Source code for velocyto.analysis

from copy import deepcopy
import warnings
import logging
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform
from scipy.stats import norm as normal
import scipy.stats
from scipy import sparse
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.svm import SVR
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
from numba import jit
import loompy
from .neighbors import knn_distance_matrix, connectivity_to_weights, convolve_by_sparse_weights, BalancedKNN
from .estimation import fit_slope, fit_slope_offset, fit_slope_weighted, fit_slope_weighted_offset
from .estimation import clusters_stats
from .estimation import colDeltaCor, colDeltaCorSqrt, colDeltaCorLog10, colDeltaCorpartial, colDeltaCorSqrtpartial, colDeltaCorLog10partial
from .diffusion import Diffusion
from .serialization import dump_hdf5, load_hdf5
from typing import *

[docs]class VelocytoLoom: """A convenient object to store the data of a velocyto loom file. Data will be stored in memory Examples -------- For usage examples consult the documentation Attributes ---------- S: np.ndarray Expressed spliced molecules U: np.ndarray Unspliced molecule count A: np.ndarray Ambiguous molecule count ca: dict Column attributes of the loom file ra: dict Row attributes of the loom file loom_filepath: str The original path the loom files has been read from initial_cell_size: int The sum of spliced molecules initial_Ucell_size: int The sum of unspliced molecules """ def __init__(self, loom_filepath: str) -> None: self.loom_filepath = loom_filepath ds = loompy.connect(self.loom_filepath) self.S = ds.layer["spliced"][:, :] self.U = ds.layer["unspliced"][:, :] self.A = ds.layer["ambiguous"][:, :] = dict(ds.col_attrs.items()) self.ra = dict(ds.row_attrs.items()) ds.close() self.initial_cell_size = self.S.sum(0) self.initial_Ucell_size = self.U.sum(0) try: if np.mean(["_Valid"]) < 1: logging.warn(f"fraction of _Valid cells is {np.mean(['_Valid'])} but all will be taken in consideration") except KeyError: pass # logging.debug("The file did not specify the _Valid column attribute")
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, filename: str, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Serialize the VelocytoLoom object in its current state Arguments --------- filename: The name of the file that will be generated (the suffix hdf5 is suggested but not enforced) **kwargs: The function accepts the arguments of `dump_hdf5` Returns ------- Nothing. It saves a file that can be used to recreate the object in another session. Note ---- The object can be reloaded calling ``load_velocyto_hdf5(filename)`` """ dump_hdf5(self, filename, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_fractions(self, save2file: str=None) -> None: """Plots a barplot showing the abundance of spliced/unspliced molecules in the dataset Arguments --------- save2file: str (default: None) If not None specifies the file path to which plots get saved Returns ------- Nothing, it plots a barplot """ plt.figure(figsize=(3.2, 5)) try: chips, chip_ix = np.unique(["SampleID"], return_inverse=1) except KeyError: chips, chip_ix = np.unique([i.split(":")[0] for i in["CellID"]], return_inverse=1) n = len(chips) for i in np.unique(chip_ix): tot_mol_cell_submatrixes = [X[:, chip_ix == i].sum(0) for X in [self.S, self.A, self.U]] total = np.sum(tot_mol_cell_submatrixes, 0) _mean = [np.mean(j / total) for j in tot_mol_cell_submatrixes] _std = [np.std(j / total) for j in tot_mol_cell_submatrixes] plt.ylabel("Fraction"), 0.2, n)[i] + np.arange(3), _mean, 0.5 / (n * 1.05), label=chips[i]) plt.errorbar(np.linspace(-0.2, 0.2, n)[i] + np.arange(3), _mean, _std, c="k", fmt="none", lw=1, capsize=2) # Hide the right and top spines plt.gca().spines['right'].set_visible(False) plt.gca().spines['top'].set_visible(False) # Only show ticks on the left and bottom spines plt.gca().yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') plt.gca().xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') plt.gca().spines['left'].set_bounds(0, 0.8) plt.legend() plt.xticks(np.arange(3), ["spliced", "ambiguous", "unspliced"]) plt.tight_layout() if save2file: plt.savefig(save2file, bbox_inches="tight")
[docs] def filter_cells(self, bool_array: np.ndarray) -> None: """Filter cells using a boolean array. Arguments --------- bool_array: np.ndarray (size ) array describing the cells to keep (True). Return ------ Nothing but it removes some cells from S and U. """ self.S, self.U, self.A = (X[:, bool_array] for X in (self.S, self.U, self.A)) self.initial_cell_size = self.initial_cell_size[bool_array] self.initial_Ucell_size = self.initial_Ucell_size[bool_array] try: self.ts = self.ts[bool_array] # type: np.ndarray except: pass try: self.size_factor = self.size_factor[bool_array] # type: np.ndarray except: pass = {k: v[bool_array] for k, v in} try: self.cluster_labels = self.cluster_labels[bool_array] # type: np.ndarray self.colorandum = self.colorandum[bool_array, :] # type: np.ndarray except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def set_clusters(self, cluster_labels: np.ndarray, cluster_colors_dict: Dict[str, List[float]]=None, colormap: Any=None) -> None: """Utility function to set cluster labels, names and colormap Arguments --------- cluster_labels: np.ndarray A vector of strings containing the name of the cluster for each cells cluster_colors_dict: dict[str, List[float]] A mapping cluster_name -> rgb_color_triplet for example "StemCell":[0.65,0.1,0.4] colormap: (optional) In alternative to cluster_colors_dict a colormap object (e.g. from matplotlib or similar callable) can be passed Returns ------- Nothing, the attributes `cluster_labels, colorandum, cluster_ix, cluster_uid` are created. """ self.cluster_labels = np.array(cluster_labels) if self.cluster_labels.dtype == "O": # Fixes a bug when importing from pandas self.cluster_labels = self.cluster_labels.astype(np.string_) if cluster_colors_dict: self.colorandum = np.array([cluster_colors_dict[i] for i in cluster_labels]) self.cluster_colors_dict = cluster_colors_dict self.colormap = None else: if colormap is None: self.colorandum = colormap_fun(self.cluster_ix) cluster_uid = self.cluster_uid self.cluster_colors_dict = {cluster_uid[i]: colormap_fun(i) for i in range(len(cluster_uid))} else: self.colormap = colormap self.colorandum = self.colormap(self.cluster_ix) cluster_uid = self.cluster_uid self.cluster_colors_dict = {cluster_uid[i]: self.colormap(i) for i in range(len(cluster_uid))}
@property def cluster_uid(self) -> np.ndarray: clusters_uid = np.unique(self.cluster_labels) return clusters_uid @property def cluster_ix(self) -> np.ndarray: _, cluster_ix = np.unique(self.cluster_labels, return_inverse=True) return cluster_ix
[docs] def score_cv_vs_mean(self, N: int=3000, min_expr_cells: int=2, max_expr_avg: float=20, min_expr_avg: int=0, svr_gamma: float=None, winsorize: bool=False, winsor_perc: Tuple[float, float]=(1, 99.5), sort_inverse: bool=False, which: str="S", plot: bool=False) -> np.ndarray: """Rank genes on the basis of a CV vs mean fit, it uses a nonparametric fit (Support Vector Regression) Arguments --------- N: int the number to select min_expr_cells: int, (default=2) minimum number of cells that express that gene for it to be considered in the fit min_expr_avg: int, (default=0) The minimum average accepted before discarding from the the gene as not expressed max_expr_avg: float, (default=20) The maximum average accepted before discarding from the the gene as house-keeping/outlier svr_gamma: float the gamma hyper-parameter of the SVR winsorize: bool Wether to winsorize the data for the cv vs mean model winsor_perc: tuple, default=(1, 99.5) the up and lower bound of the winsorization sort_inverse: bool, (default=False) if True it sorts genes from less noisy to more noisy (to use for size estimation not for feature selection) which: bool, (default="S") it performs the same cv_vs mean procedure on spliced "S" or unspliced "U" count "both" is NOT supported here because most often S the two procedure would have different parameters (notice that default parameters are good heuristics only for S) plot: bool, default=False whether to show a plot Returns ------- Nothing but it creates the attributes cv_mean_score: np.ndarray How much the observed CV is higher than the one predicted by a noise model fit to the data cv_mean_selected: np.ndarray bool on the basis of the N parameter Note: genes excluded from the fit will have in the output the same score as the lowest scoring gene in the dataset. To perform the filtering use the method `filter_genes` """ if which == "S": if winsorize: if min_expr_cells <= ((100 - winsor_perc[1]) * self.S.shape[1] * 0.01): min_expr_cells = int(np.ceil((100 - winsor_perc[1]) * self.S.shape[0] * 0.01)) + 2 logging.debug(f"min_expr_cells is too low for winsorization with upper_perc ={winsor_perc[1]}, upgrading to min_expr_cells ={min_expr_cells}") detected_bool = ((self.S > 0).sum(1) > min_expr_cells) & (self.S.mean(1) < max_expr_avg) & (self.S.mean(1) > min_expr_avg) Sf = self.S[detected_bool, :] if winsorize: down, up = np.percentile(Sf, winsor_perc, 1) Sfw = np.clip(Sf, down[:, None], up[:, None]) mu = Sfw.mean(1) sigma = Sfw.std(1, ddof=1) else: mu = Sf.mean(1) sigma = Sf.std(1, ddof=1) cv = sigma / mu log_m = np.log2(mu) log_cv = np.log2(cv) if svr_gamma is None: svr_gamma = 150. / len(mu) logging.debug(f"svr_gamma set to {svr_gamma}") # Fit the Support Vector Regression clf = SVR(gamma=svr_gamma)[:, None], log_cv) fitted_fun = clf.predict ff = fitted_fun(log_m[:, None]) score = log_cv - ff if sort_inverse: score = - score nth_score = np.sort(score)[::-1][N] if plot: scatter_viz(log_m[score > nth_score], log_cv[score > nth_score], s=3, alpha=0.4, c="tab:red") scatter_viz(log_m[score <= nth_score], log_cv[score <= nth_score], s=3, alpha=0.4, c="tab:blue") mu_linspace = np.linspace(np.min(log_m), np.max(log_m)) plt.plot(mu_linspace, fitted_fun(mu_linspace[:, None]), c="k") plt.xlabel("log2 mean S") plt.ylabel("log2 CV S") self.cv_mean_score = np.zeros(detected_bool.shape) self.cv_mean_score[~detected_bool] = np.min(score) - 1e-16 self.cv_mean_score[detected_bool] = score self.cv_mean_selected = self.cv_mean_score >= nth_score else: if winsorize: if min_expr_cells <= ((100 - winsor_perc[1]) * self.U.shape[1] * 0.01): min_expr_cells = int(np.ceil((100 - winsor_perc[1]) * self.U.shape[0] * 0.01)) + 2 logging.debug(f"min_expr_cells is too low for winsorization with upper_perc ={winsor_perc[1]}, upgrading to min_expr_cells ={min_expr_cells}") detected_bool = ((self.U > 0).sum(1) > min_expr_cells) & (self.U.mean(1) < max_expr_avg) & (self.U.mean(1) > min_expr_avg) Uf = self.U[detected_bool, :] if winsorize: down, up = np.percentile(Uf, winsor_perc, 1) Ufw = np.clip(Uf, down[:, None], up[:, None]) mu = Ufw.mean(1) sigma = Ufw.std(1, ddof=1) else: mu = Uf.mean(1) sigma = Uf.std(1, ddof=1) cv = sigma / mu log_m = np.log2(mu) log_cv = np.log2(cv) if svr_gamma is None: svr_gamma = 150. / len(mu) logging.debug(f"svr_gamma set to {svr_gamma}") # Fit the Support Vector Regression clf = SVR(gamma=svr_gamma)[:, None], log_cv) fitted_fun = clf.predict ff = fitted_fun(log_m[:, None]) score = log_cv - ff if sort_inverse: score = - score nth_score = np.sort(score)[::-1][N] if plot: scatter_viz(log_m[score > nth_score], log_cv[score > nth_score], s=3, alpha=0.4, c="tab:red") scatter_viz(log_m[score <= nth_score], log_cv[score <= nth_score], s=3, alpha=0.4, c="tab:blue") mu_linspace = np.linspace(np.min(log_m), np.max(log_m)) plt.plot(mu_linspace, fitted_fun(mu_linspace[:, None]), c="k") plt.xlabel("log2 mean U") plt.ylabel("log2 CV U") self.Ucv_mean_score = np.zeros(detected_bool.shape) self.Ucv_mean_score[~detected_bool] = np.min(score) - 1e-16 self.Ucv_mean_score[detected_bool] = score self.Ucv_mean_selected = self.Ucv_mean_score >= nth_score
[docs] def robust_size_factor(self, pc: float=0.1, which: str="both") -> None: """Calculates a size factor in a similar way of Anders and Huber 2010 Arguments -------- pc: float, default=0.1 The pseudocount to add to the expression before taking the log for the purpose of the size factor calculation which: str, default="both" For which counts estimate the normalization size factor. It can be "both", "S" or "U" Returns ------- Nothing but it creates the attribute `self.size_factor` and `self.Usize_factor` normalization is self.S / self.size_factor and is performed by using `self.normalize(relative_size=self.size_factor)` Note ---- Before running this method `score_cv_vs_mean` need to be run with sort_inverse=True, since only lowly variable genes are used for this size estimation """ if which == "both": Y = np.log2(self.S[self.cv_mean_selected, :] + pc) Y_avg = Y.mean(1) self.size_factor: np.ndarray = np.median(2**(Y - Y_avg[:, None]), axis=0) self.size_factor = self.size_factor / np.mean(self.size_factor) Y = np.log2(self.U[self.Ucv_mean_selected, :] + pc) Y_avg = Y.mean(1) self.Usize_factor: np.ndarray = np.median(2**(Y - Y_avg[:, None]), axis=0) self.Usize_factor = self.Usize_factor / np.mean(self.Usize_factor) elif which == "S": Y = np.log2(self.S[self.cv_mean_selected, :] + pc) Y_avg = Y.mean(1) self.size_factor: np.ndarray = np.median(2**(Y - Y_avg[:, None]), axis=0) self.size_factor = self.size_factor / np.mean(self.size_factor) elif which == "U": Y = np.log2(self.U[self.Ucv_mean_selected, :] + pc) Y_avg = Y.mean(1) self.Usize_factor: np.ndarray = np.median(2**(Y - Y_avg[:, None]), axis=0) self.Usize_factor = self.Usize_factor / np.mean(self.Usize_factor)
[docs] def score_cluster_expression(self, min_avg_U: float=0.02, min_avg_S: float=0.08) -> np.ndarray: """Prepare filtering genes on the basis of cluster-wise expression threshold Arguments --------- min_avg_U: float Include genes that have unspliced average bigger than `min_avg_U` in at least one of the clusters min_avg_S: float Include genes that have spliced average bigger than `min_avg_U` in at least one of the clusters Note: the two conditions are combined by and "&" logical operator Returns ------- Nothing but it creates the attribute clu_avg_selected: np.ndarray bool The gene cluster that is selected To perform the filtering use the method `filter_genes` """ self.U_avgs, self.S_avgs = clusters_stats(self.U, self.S, self.cluster_uid, self.cluster_ix, size_limit=40) self.clu_avg_selected = (self.U_avgs.max(1) > min_avg_U) & (self.S_avgs.max(1) > min_avg_S)
[docs] def score_detection_levels(self, min_expr_counts: int= 50, min_cells_express: int= 20, min_expr_counts_U: int= 0, min_cells_express_U: int= 0) -> np.ndarray: """Prepare basic filtering of genes on the basis of their detection levels Arguments --------- min_expr_counts: float The minimum number of spliced molecules detected considering all the cells min_cells_express: float The minimum number of cells that express spliced molecules of a gene min_expr_counts_U: float The minimum number of unspliced molecules detected considering all the cells min_cells_express_U: float The minimum number of cells that express unspliced molecules of a gene Note: the conditions are combined by and "&" logical operator Returns ------- Nothing but an attribute self.detection_level_selected is created To perform the filtering by detection levels use the method `filter_genes` """ # Some basic filtering S_sum = self.S.sum(1) S_ncells_express = (self.S > 0).sum(1) U_sum = self.U.sum(1) U_ncells_express = (self.U > 0).sum(1) filter_bool = (S_sum >= min_expr_counts) & (S_ncells_express >= min_cells_express) & (U_sum >= min_expr_counts_U) & (U_ncells_express >= min_cells_express_U) self.detection_level_selected = filter_bool
[docs] def filter_genes(self, by_detection_levels: bool=False, by_cluster_expression: bool=False, by_cv_vs_mean: bool=False, by_custom_array: Any=None, keep_unfiltered: bool=False) -> None: """Filter genes taking care that all the matrixes and all the connected annotation get filtered accordingly Attributes affected: .U, .S, .ra Arguments --------- by_detection_levels: bool, default=False filter genes by the score_detection_levels result by_cluster_expression: bool, default=False filter genes by the score_cluster_expression result by_cv_vs_mean: bool, default=False filter genes by the score_cluster_expression result by_custom_array, np.ndarray, default=None provide a boolean or index array keep_unfiltered: bool, default=False whether to create attributes self.S_prefilter, self.U_prefilter, self.ra_prefilter, (array will be made sparse to minimize memory footprint) or just overwrite the previous arrays Returns ------- Nothing but it updates the self.S, self.U, self.ra attributes """ assert np.any([by_detection_levels, by_cluster_expression, by_cv_vs_mean, (type(by_custom_array) is np.ndarray)]), "At least one of the filtering methods needs to be True" tmp_filter = np.ones(self.S.shape[0], dtype=bool) if by_cluster_expression: assert hasattr(self, "clu_avg_selected"), "clu_avg_selected was not found" logging.debug("Filtering by cluster expression") tmp_filter = tmp_filter & self.clu_avg_selected if by_cv_vs_mean: assert hasattr(self, "cv_mean_selected"), "cv_mean_selected was not found" logging.debug("Filtering by cv vs mean") tmp_filter = tmp_filter & self.cv_mean_selected if by_detection_levels: assert hasattr(self, "detection_level_selected"), "detection_level_selected was not found" logging.debug("Filtering by detection level") tmp_filter = tmp_filter & self.detection_level_selected if type(by_custom_array) is np.ndarray: if by_custom_array.dtype == bool: logging.debug("Filtering by custom boolean array") tmp_filter = tmp_filter & by_custom_array elif by_custom_array.dtype == int: logging.debug("Filtering by custom index array") bool_negative = ~np.in1d(np.arange(len(tmp_filter)), by_custom_array) tmp_filter[bool_negative] = False if keep_unfiltered: if hasattr(self, "U_prefilter"): logging.debug("Attributes *_prefilter are already present and were overwritten") self.U_prefilter = sparse.csr_matrix(self.U) self.S_prefilter = sparse.csr_matrix(self.S) self.ra_prefilter = deepcopy(self.ra) self.U = self.U[tmp_filter, :] self.S = self.S[tmp_filter, :] self.ra = {k: v[tmp_filter] for k, v in self.ra.items()}
[docs] def custom_filter_attributes(self, attr_names: List[str], bool_filter: np.ndarray) -> None: """Filter attributes given a boolean array. attr_names can be dictionaries or numpy arrays Arguments --------- attr_names: List[str] a list of the attributes to be modified. The can be 1d arrays, dictionary of 1d arrays, ndarrays, will be filtered by axis=0 if .T is specified by axis=-1 bool_filter: the boolean filter to be applied Returns ------- Nothing it filters the specified attributes """ transpose_flag = False for attr in attr_names: if attr[-2:] == ".T": obj = getattr(self, attr[:-2]) transpose_flag = True else: obj = getattr(self, attr) transpose_flag = False if type(obj) is dict: setattr(self, attr, {k: v[bool_filter] for k, v in obj.items()}) elif type(obj) is np.ndarray: if len(obj.shape) > 1: if transpose_flag: setattr(self, attr, obj[..., bool_filter]) else: setattr(self, attr, obj[bool_filter, :]) else: setattr(self, attr, obj[bool_filter]) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"The filtering of an object of type {type(obj)} is not defined")
def _normalize_S(self, size: bool=True, log: bool=True, pcount: float=1, relative_size: Any=None, target_size: Any=None) -> np.ndarray: """Internal function for the spliced molecule filtering. The `normalize` method should be used as a standard interface""" if size: if type(relative_size) is np.ndarray: self.cell_size = relative_size else: self.cell_size = self.S.sum(0) if target_size is None: self.avg_size = self.cell_size.mean() else: self.avg_size = target_size self.norm_factor = self.avg_size / self.cell_size else: self.norm_factor = 1 self.S_sz = self.norm_factor * self.S if log: self.S_norm = np.log2(self.S_sz + pcount) # np.sqrt(S_sz )# np.log2(S_sz + 1) def _normalize_U(self, size: bool=True, log: bool=True, pcount: float=1, use_S_size: bool=False, relative_size: np.ndarray=None, target_size: Any=None) -> np.ndarray: """Internal function for the unspliced molecule filtering. The `normalize` method should be used as a standard interface""" if size: if use_S_size: if hasattr(self, "cell_size"): cell_size = self.cell_size else: cell_size = self.S.sum(0) elif type(relative_size) is np.ndarray: cell_size = relative_size else: cell_size = self.U.sum(0) self.Ucell_size = cell_size if target_size is None: avg_size = cell_size.mean() else: avg_size = target_size self.Uavg_size = avg_size with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") norm_factor = avg_size / cell_size else: norm_factor = 1 self.Unorm_factor = norm_factor with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") self.U_sz = norm_factor * self.U self.U_sz[~np.isfinite(self.U_sz)] = 0 # it happened only once but it is here as a precaution if log: self.U_norm = np.log2(self.U_sz + pcount) # np.sqrt(S_sz )# np.log2(S_sz + 1) def _normalize_Sx(self, size: bool=True, log: bool=True, pcount: float=1, relative_size: Any=None, target_size: Any=None) -> np.ndarray: """Internal function for the smoothed spliced molecule filtering. The `normalize` method should be used as a standard interface""" if size: if relative_size: self.xcell_size = relative_size else: self.xcell_size = self.Sx.sum(0) if target_size is None: self.xavg_size = self.xcell_size.mean() else: self.xavg_size = target_size self.xnorm_factor = self.xavg_size / self.xcell_size else: self.xnorm_factor = 1 self.Sx_sz = self.xnorm_factor * self.Sx if log: self.Sx_norm = np.log2(self.Sx_sz + pcount) # np.sqrt(S_sz )# np.log2(S_sz + 1) def _normalize_Ux(self, size: bool=True, log: bool=True, pcount: float=1, use_Sx_size: bool=False, relative_size: Any=None, target_size: Any=None) -> np.ndarray: """Internal function for the smoothed unspliced molecule filtering. The `normalize` method should be used as a standard interface""" if size: if use_Sx_size: if hasattr(self, "cell_size"): cell_size = self.xcell_size else: cell_size = self.Sx.sum(0) elif type(relative_size) is np.ndarray: cell_size = relative_size else: cell_size = self.Ux.sum(0) self.xUcell_size = cell_size if target_size is None: avg_size = cell_size.mean() else: avg_size = target_size self.xUavg_size = avg_size with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") norm_factor = avg_size / cell_size else: norm_factor = 1 self.xUnorm_factor = norm_factor with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") self.Ux_sz = norm_factor * self.Ux self.Ux_sz[~np.isfinite(self.Ux_sz)] = 0 # it happened only once but it is here as a precaution if log: self.Ux_norm = np.log2(self.Ux_sz + pcount) # np.sqrt(S_sz )# np.log2(S_sz + 1)
[docs] def normalize(self, which: str="both", size: bool=True, log: bool=True, pcount: float=1, relative_size: np.ndarray=None, use_S_size_for_U: bool=False, target_size: Tuple[float, float]=(None, None)) -> None: """Normalization interface Arguments --------- which: either 'both', 'S', 'U', "imputed", "Sx", "Ux" which attributes to normalize. "both" corresponds to "S" and "U" "imputed" corresponds to "Sx" and "Ux" size: bool perform size normalization log: bool perform log normalization (if size==True, this comes after the size normalization) pcount: int, default: 1 The extra count added when logging (log2) relative_size: np.ndarray, default=None if None it calculate the sums the molecules per cell (self.S.sum(0)) if an array is provided it is used for the normalization use_S_size_for_U: bool U is size normalized using the sum of molecules of S target_size: float or Tuple[float, float] (depending if the which parameter implies 1 or more normalizations) the size of the cells after normalization will be set to. If tuple the order is (S, U) or (Sx, Ux) If None the target size is the average of the cell sizes Returns ------- Nothing but creates the attributes `U_norm`, `U_sz` and `S_norm`, "S_sz" or `Ux_norm`, `Ux_sz` and `Sx_norm`, "Sx_sz" """ if which == "both": self._normalize_S(size=size, log=log, pcount=pcount, relative_size=relative_size, target_size=target_size[0]) self._normalize_U(size=size, log=log, pcount=pcount, use_S_size=use_S_size_for_U, relative_size=relative_size, target_size=target_size[1]) if "S" == which: self._normalize_S(size=size, log=log, pcount=pcount, relative_size=relative_size, target_size=target_size[0]) if "U" == which: self._normalize_U(size=size, log=log, pcount=pcount, use_S_size=use_S_size_for_U, relative_size=relative_size, target_size=target_size[1]) if which == "imputed": self._normalize_Sx(size=size, log=log, pcount=pcount, relative_size=relative_size, target_size=target_size[0]) self._normalize_Ux(size=size, log=log, pcount=pcount, use_Sx_size=use_S_size_for_U, relative_size=relative_size, target_size=target_size[1]) if "Sx" == which: self._normalize_Sx(size=size, log=log, pcount=pcount, relative_size=relative_size, target_size=target_size[0]) if "Ux" == which: self._normalize_Ux(size=size, log=log, pcount=pcount, use_Sx_size=use_S_size_for_U, relative_size=relative_size, target_size=target_size[1])
[docs] def perform_PCA(self, which: str="S_norm", n_components: int=None, div_by_std: bool=False) -> None: """Perform PCA (cells as samples) Arguments --------- which: str, default="S_norm" The name of the attribute to use for the calculation (e.g. S_norm or Sx_norm) n_components: int, default=None Number of components to keep. If None all the components will be kept. div_by_std: bool, default=False Wether to divide by standard deviation Returns ------- Returns nothing but it creates the attributes: pca: np.ndarray a numpy array of shape (cells, npcs) """ X = getattr(self, which) self.pca = PCA(n_components=n_components) if div_by_std: self.pcs = self.pca.fit_transform(X.T / X.std(0)) else: self.pcs = self.pca.fit_transform(X.T)
[docs] def normalize_by_total(self, min_perc_U: float=0.5, plot: bool=False, skip_low_U_pop: bool=True, same_size_UnS: bool=False) -> None: """Normalize the cells using the (initial) total molecules as size estimate Arguments --------- min_perc_U: float the percentile to use as a minimum value allowed for the size normalization plot: bool, default=False whether skip_low_U_pop: bool, default=True population with very low unspliced will not be multiplied by the scaling factor to avoid predicting very strong velocity just as a consequence of low detection same_size_UnS: bool, default=False Each cell is set tot have the same total number of spliced and unspliced molecules Returns ------- Returns nothing but it creates the attributes: small_U_pop: np.ndarray Cells with extremely low unspliced count """ target_cell_size = np.median(self.initial_cell_size) min_Ucell_size = np.percentile(self.initial_Ucell_size, min_perc_U) if min_Ucell_size < 2: raise ValueError(f"min_perc_U={min_perc_U} corresponds to total Unspliced of 1 molecule of less. Please choose higher value or filter our these cell") bool_f = self.initial_Ucell_size < min_Ucell_size self.small_U_pop = bool_f if same_size_UnS: target_Ucell_size = target_cell_size # 0.15 * target_cell_size else: target_Ucell_size = np.median(self.initial_Ucell_size[~self.small_U_pop]) # 0.15 * target_cell_size if plot: plt.figure(None, (12, 6)) plt.subplot(121) plt.scatter(self.initial_cell_size, self.initial_Ucell_size, s=3, alpha=0.1) plt.xlabel("total spliced") plt.ylabel("total unspliced") plt.scatter(self.initial_cell_size[bool_f], self.initial_Ucell_size[bool_f], s=3, alpha=0.1) plt.subplot(122) plt.scatter(np.log2(self.initial_cell_size), np.log2(self.initial_Ucell_size), s=7, alpha=0.3) plt.scatter(np.log2(self.initial_cell_size)[bool_f], np.log2(self.initial_Ucell_size)[bool_f], s=7, alpha=0.3) plt.xlabel("log total spliced") plt.ylabel("log total unspliced") self._normalize_S(relative_size=self.initial_cell_size, target_size=target_cell_size) if skip_low_U_pop: self._normalize_U(relative_size=np.clip(self.initial_Ucell_size, min_Ucell_size, None), target_size=target_Ucell_size) else: self._normalize_U(relative_size=self.initial_Ucell_size, target_size=target_Ucell_size)
[docs] def normalize_by_size_factor(self, min_perc_U: float=0.5, plot: bool=False, skip_low_U_pop: bool=True, same_size_UnS: bool=False) -> None: """Normalize the cells using the (initial) size_factor Arguments --------- min_perc_U: float the percentile to use as a minimum value allowed for the size normalization plot: bool, default=False whether skip_low_U_pop: bool, default=True population with very low unspliced will not be multiplied by the scaling factor to avoid predicting very strong velocity just as a consequence of low detection same_size_UnS: bool, default=False Each cell is set tot have the same total number of spliced and unspliced molecules Returns ------- Returns nothing but it creates the attributes: small_U_pop: np.ndarray Cells with extremely low unspliced count """ cell_size = self.S.sum(0) Ucell_size = self.U.sum(0) target_cell_size = np.median(cell_size) min_Ucell_size = np.percentile(Ucell_size, min_perc_U) if min_Ucell_size < 2: raise ValueError(f"min_perc_U={min_perc_U} corresponds to total Unspliced of 1 molecule of less. Please choose higher value or filter our these cell") bool_f = Ucell_size < min_Ucell_size self.small_U_pop = bool_f if same_size_UnS: target_Ucell_size = target_cell_size # 0.15 * target_cell_size else: target_Ucell_size = np.median(Ucell_size[~self.small_U_pop]) if plot: plt.figure(None, (12, 6)) plt.subplot(121) plt.scatter(cell_size, Ucell_size, s=3, alpha=0.1) plt.xlabel("S cell_size") plt.ylabel("U cell_size") plt.scatter(cell_size[bool_f], Ucell_size[bool_f], s=3, alpha=0.1) plt.subplot(122) plt.scatter(np.log2(cell_size), np.log2(Ucell_size), s=7, alpha=0.3) plt.scatter(np.log2(cell_size)[bool_f], np.log2(Ucell_size)[bool_f], s=7, alpha=0.3) plt.xlabel("log S cell_size") plt.ylabel("log U cell_size") self._normalize_S(relative_size=self.size_factor, target_size=target_cell_size) if skip_low_U_pop: self._normalize_U(relative_size=np.clip(self.initial_Ucell_size, min_Ucell_size, None), target_size=target_Ucell_size) else: self._normalize_U(relative_size=self.initial_Ucell_size, target_size=target_Ucell_size)
[docs] def adjust_totS_totU(self, skip_low_U_pop: bool=True, normalize_total: bool=False, fit_with_low_U: bool=True, svr_C: float=100, svr_gamma: float=1e-6, plot: bool=False) -> None: """Adjust the spliced count on the base of the relation S_sz_tot and U_sz_tot Arguments --------- skip_low_U_pop: bool, default=True Do not normalize the low unspliced molecules cell population to avoid overinflated values normalize_total: bool, default=False If this is True the function results in a normalization by median of both U and S. NOTE: Legacy compatibility, I might want to split this into a different function. fit_with_low_U: bool, default=True Wether to consider the low_U population for the fit svr_C: float The C parameter of scikit-learn Support Vector Regression svr_gamma: float The gamma parameter of scikit-learn Support Vector Regression plot: bool Whether to plot the results of the fit Returns ------- Nothing but it modifies the attributes: U_sz: np.ndarray """ svr = SVR(C=svr_C, kernel="rbf", gamma=svr_gamma) X, y = self.S_sz.sum(0), self.U_sz.sum(0) if fit_with_low_U:[:, None], y) predicted = svr.predict(X[:, None]) else:[~self.small_U_pop, None], y[~self.small_U_pop]) predicted = np.copy(y) predicted[~self.small_U_pop] = svr.predict(X[~self.small_U_pop, None]) adj_factor = predicted / y adj_factor[~np.isfinite(adj_factor)] = 1 if skip_low_U_pop: self.U_sz[:, ~self.small_U_pop] = self.U_sz[:, ~self.small_U_pop] * adj_factor[~self.small_U_pop] else: self.U_sz = self.U_sz * adj_factor if normalize_total: self.normalize_median(which="renormalize", skip_low_U_pop=skip_low_U_pop) if plot: plt.figure(None, (8, 8)) plt.scatter(X, y, s=3, alpha=0.1) plt.scatter(X, predicted, c="k", s=5, alpha=0.1)
[docs] def normalize_median(self, which: str="imputed", skip_low_U_pop: bool=True) -> None: """Normalize cell size to the median, for both S and U. Arguments --------- which: str, default="imputed" "imputed" or "renormalized" skip_low_U_pop: bool=True Whether to skip the low U population defined in normalize_by_total Returns ------- Nothing but it modifies the attributes: S_sz: np.ndarray U_sz: np.ndarray or Sx_sz: np.ndarray Ux_sz: np.ndarray """ if not hasattr(self, "small_U_pop") and skip_low_U_pop: self.small_U_pop = np.zeros(self.U_sz.shape[1], dtype=bool) logging.warning("object does not have the attribute `small_U_pop`, so all the unspliced will be normalized by relative size, this might cause the overinflation the unspliced counts of cells where only few unspliced molecules were detected") if which == "renormalize": self.S_sz = self.S_sz * (np.median(self.S_sz.sum(0)) / self.S_sz.sum(0)) if skip_low_U_pop: self.U_sz[:, ~self.small_U_pop] = self.U_sz[:, ~self.small_U_pop] * (np.median(self.U_sz[:, ~self.small_U_pop].sum(0)) / self.U_sz[:, ~self.small_U_pop].sum(0)) else: self.U_sz = self.U_sz * (np.median(self.U_sz.sum(0)) / self.U_sz.sum(0)) elif which == "imputed": self.Sx_sz = self.Sx * (np.median(self.Sx.sum(0)) / self.Sx.sum(0)) if skip_low_U_pop: self.Ux_sz = np.copy(self.Ux) self.Ux_sz[:, ~self.small_U_pop] = self.Ux[:, ~self.small_U_pop] * (np.median(self.Ux[:, ~self.small_U_pop].sum(0)) / self.Ux[:, ~self.small_U_pop].sum(0)) else: self.Ux_sz = self.Ux * (np.median(self.Ux.sum(0)) / self.Ux.sum(0))
[docs] def plot_pca(self, dim: List[int]=[0, 1, 2], elev: float=60, azim: float=-140) -> None: """Plot 3d PCA """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.scatter(self.pcs[:, dim[0]], self.pcs[:, dim[1]], self.pcs[:, dim[2]], c=self.colorandum) ax.view_init(elev=elev, azim=azim)
def _perform_PCA_imputed(self, n_components: int=None) -> None: """Simply performs PCA of `Sx_norm` and save the result as `pcax`""" self.pcax = PCA(n_components=n_components) self.pcsx = self.pcax.fit_transform(self.Sx_norm.T) def _plot_pca_imputed(self, dim: List[int]=[0, 1, 2], elev: float=60, azim: float=-140) -> None: """Plot 3d PCA of the smoothed data """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.scatter(self.pcsx[:, dim[0]], self.pcsx[:, dim[1]], self.pcsx[:, dim[2]], c=self.colorandum) ax.view_init(elev=elev, azim=azim)
[docs] def knn_imputation(self, k: int=None, pca_space: float=True, metric: str="euclidean", diag: float=1, n_pca_dims: int=None, maximum: bool=False, size_norm: bool=True, balanced: bool=False, b_sight: int=None, b_maxl: int=None, group_constraint: Union[str, np.ndarray]=None, n_jobs: int=8) -> None: """Performs k-nn smoothing of the data matrix Arguments --------- k: int number of neighbors. If None the default it is chosen to be `0.025 * Ncells` pca_space: bool, default=True if True the knn will be performed in PCA space (`pcs`) otherwise it will use log2 size normalized data (`S_norm`) metric: str "euclidean" or "correlation" diag: int, default=1 before smoothing this value is substituted in the diagonal of the knn contiguity matrix Resulting in a reduction of the smoothing effect. E.g. if diag=8 and k=10 value of Si = (8 * S_i + sum(S_n, with n in 5nn of i)) / (8+5) maximum: bool, default=False If True the maximum value of the smoothing and the original matrix entry is taken. n_pca_dims: int, default=None number of pca to use for the knn distance metric. If None all pcs will be used. (used only if pca_space == True) balanced: bool whether to use BalancedKNN version b_sight: int the sight parameter of BalancedKNN (used only if balanced == True) b_maxl: int the maxl parameter of BalancedKNN (used only if balanced == True) group_constraint: str or np.ndarray[int]: currently implemented only for balanced = True if "clusters" the the clusters will be used as a constraint so that cells of different clusters cannot be neighbors if an array of integers of shape vlm.S.shape[1] it will be interpreted as labels of the groups n_jobs: int, default 8 number of parallel jobs in knn calculation Returns ------- Nothing but it creates the attributes: knn: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix knn contiguity matrix knn_smoothing_w: scipy.sparse.lil_matrix the weights used for the smoothing Sx: np.ndarray smoothed spliced Ux: np.ndarray smoothed unspliced """ N = self.S.shape[1] if k is None: k = int(N * 0.025) if b_sight is None and balanced: b_sight = np.maximum(int(k * 8), N - 1) if b_maxl is None and balanced: b_maxl = np.maximum(int(k * 4), N - 1) if pca_space: space = self.pcs[:, :n_pca_dims] else: space = self.S_norm.T if balanced: if group_constraint is not None: if isinstance(group_constraint, str) and group_constraint == "clusters": constraint = np.array(self.cluster_ix) bknn = BalancedKNN(k=k, sight_k=b_sight, maxl=b_maxl, metric=metric, constraint=constraint, mode="distance", n_jobs=n_jobs) else: bknn = BalancedKNN(k=k, sight_k=b_sight, maxl=b_maxl, metric=metric, mode="distance", n_jobs=n_jobs) self.knn = bknn.kneighbors_graph(mode="distance") else: if group_constraint is not None: raise ValueError("group_constraint is currently supported only if the argument balanced is set to True") self.knn = knn_distance_matrix(space, metric=metric, k=k, mode="distance", n_jobs=n_jobs) connectivity = (self.knn > 0).astype(float) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") # SparseEfficiencyWarning: Changing the sparsity structure of a csr_matrix is expensive. lil_matrix is more efficient. connectivity.setdiag(diag) self.knn_smoothing_w = connectivity_to_weights(connectivity) if size_norm: self.Sx = convolve_by_sparse_weights(self.S_sz, self.knn_smoothing_w) self.Ux = convolve_by_sparse_weights(self.U_sz, self.knn_smoothing_w) else: self.Sx = convolve_by_sparse_weights(self.S, self.knn_smoothing_w) self.Ux = convolve_by_sparse_weights(self.U, self.knn_smoothing_w) if maximum: self.Sx = np.maximum(self.S_sz, self.Sx) self.Ux = np.maximum(self.U_sz, self.Ux) # Make a differently named varaible for backwards compatibility self.Sx_sz = np.copy(self.Sx) self.Ux_sz = np.copy(self.Ux)
[docs] def knn_imputation_precomputed(self, knn_smoothing_w: sparse.lil_matrix, maximum: bool=False) -> None: """Performs k-nn imputation (like `.knn_imputation()`) but with a precomputed weight matrix Arguments --------- knn_smoothing_w: sparse.lil_matrix the sparse matrix to be convolved with self.S_sz and self.U_sz This should be the result of something like: connectivity.setdiag(diagonal_value) knn_smoothing_w = connectivity_to_weights(connectivity) maximum: bool, default=False whether to take the maximum value of the smoothing and the original matrix Returns ------- Nothing but it creates the attributes: Sx: np.ndarray smoothed spliced Ux: np.ndarray smoothed unspliced """ self.Sx = convolve_by_sparse_weights(self.S_sz, knn_smoothing_w) self.Ux = convolve_by_sparse_weights(self.U_sz, knn_smoothing_w) if maximum: self.Sx = np.maximum(self.S_sz, self.Sx) self.Ux = np.maximum(self.U_sz, self.Ux) self.Sx_sz = np.copy(self.Sx) self.Ux_sz = np.copy(self.Ux)
[docs] def gene_knn_imputation(self, k: int=15, pca_space: float=False, metric: str="correlation", diag: float=1, scale_weights: bool=True, balanced: bool=True, b_sight: int=100, b_maxl: int=18, n_jobs: int=8) -> None: """Performs genes k-nn smoothing of the genes Arguments --------- k: int, default=15 number of neighbors pca_space: bool, default=False if True the knn will be performed in PCA space (`pcs`) otherwise it will use log2 size normalized data (`S_norm`) metric: str, default="correlation" "euclidean" or "correlation" diag: int, default=1 before smoothing this value is substituted in the diagonal of the knn contiguity matrix Resulting in a reduction of the smoothing effect E.g. if diag=8 and k=10 value of Si = (8 * S_i + sum(S_n, with n in 5nn of i)) / (8+5) scale_weights: bool, default=True whether to scale weights by gene total expression/yield balanced: bool, default=True whether to use BalancedKNN version b_sight: int, default=100 the sight parameter of BalancedKNN (used only if balanced == True) b_maxl: int, default=18 the maxl parameter of BalancedKNN (used only if balanced == True) n_jobs: int, default=8 number of parallel jobs in knn calculation Returns ------- Nothing but it creates the attributes: gknn: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix genes knn contiguity matrix gknn_smoothing_w: scipy.sparse.lil_matrix the weights used for the smoothing of the genes Sx: np.ndarray smoothed spliced Ux: np.ndarray smoothed unspliced """ if pca_space: assert NotImplementedError else: space = self.Sx_sz # imputed size normalized counts if balanced: bknn = BalancedKNN(k=k, sight_k=b_sight, maxl=b_maxl, mode="distance", metric=metric, n_jobs=n_jobs) self.gknn = bknn.kneighbors_graph(mode="distance") else: self.gknn = knn_distance_matrix(space, metric=metric, k=k, mode="distance", n_jobs=n_jobs) connectivity = (self.knn > 0).astype(float) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") connectivity.setdiag(diag) self.gknn_smoothing_w = connectivity_to_weights(connectivity).tocsr() if scale_weights: genes_total = space.sum(1) self.gknn_smoothing_w = scale_to_match_median(self.gknn_smoothing_w, genes_total) # NOTE This might be not computationally efficient after transpose, maybe better to use csc for the genes self.Sx_sz = convolve_by_sparse_weights(self.Sx_sz.T, self.gknn_smoothing_w).T self.Ux_sz = convolve_by_sparse_weights(self.Ux_sz.T, self.gknn_smoothing_w).T
[docs] def fit_gammas(self, steady_state_bool: np.ndarray=None, use_imputed_data: bool=True, use_size_norm: bool=True, fit_offset: bool=True, fixperc_q: bool=False, weighted: bool=True, weights: np.ndarray = "maxmin_diag", limit_gamma: bool=False, maxmin_perc: List[float]=[2, 98], maxmin_weighted_pow: float=15) -> None: """Fit gamma using spliced and unspliced data Arguments --------- steady_state_bool: np.ndarray, default=None if a boolean array is specified, gamma is fitted using only the corresponding cells use_imputed_data: bool, default=True use knn smoothed data use_size_norm: bool, default=False use size normalized data for the fit fit_offset: bool, default=True Fit with offset fixperc_q: bool, default=False (when fit_offset==False) Wether to fix the offset to a lower percentile of the unspliced weighted: bool, default=True use weights for the least squares fit weights: string or np.ndarray, default="maxmin_diag" the method to determine the weights of the least squares fit. "maxmin_diag", "maxmin", "sum", "prod", "maxmin_weighted" are supported if a 2d np.ndarray is provided the entry (i,j) is the weight of the cell j when fitting gamma to gene i limit_gamma: np.ndarray, default=True whether to limit gamma when unspliced is much higher than spliced maxmin_perc: List[float], default=[2,98] the percentile to use if weights = "maxmin" or "maxmin_diag" Returns ------- Nothing it just creates the attributes: gammas: np.ndarray the vector of the gammas fit to each gene q: np.ndarray the vector of offsets of the fit R2: np.ndarray (optional) The vector of squared coefficient of determination """ if steady_state_bool: self.steady_state = steady_state_bool else: self.steady_state = np.ones(self.S.shape[1], dtype=bool) if use_imputed_data: if use_size_norm: tmpS = self.Sx_sz tmpU = self.Ux_sz else: tmpS = self.Sx tmpU = self.Ux else: if use_size_norm: tmpS = self.S_sz tmpU = self.U_sz else: tmpS = self.S tmpU = self.U if weighted: if type(weights) is np.ndarray: W = weights elif weights == "sum": W = (tmpS / np.percentile(tmpS, 99, 1)[:, None]) + (tmpU / np.percentile(tmpU, 99, 1)[:, None]) elif weights == "prod": W = (tmpS / np.percentile(tmpS, 99, 1)[:, None]) * (tmpU / np.percentile(tmpU, 99, 1)[:, None]) elif weights == "maxmin_weighted": # Slightly smoother than just takin top and bottom percentile down, up = np.percentile(tmpS, maxmin_perc, 1) # Do this asymmetrically, data is sparse! Srange = np.clip(tmpS, down[:, None], up[:, None]) Srange -= Srange.min(1)[:, None] Srange /= Srange.max(1)[:, None] W = 0.5 * (Srange**maxmin_weighted_pow + (1 - Srange)**maxmin_weighted_pow) elif weights == "maxmin": down, up = np.percentile(tmpS, maxmin_perc, 1) # Do this asymmetrically, data is sparse! W = ((tmpS <= down[:, None]) | (tmpS >= up[:, None])).astype(float) elif weights == "maxmin_diag": denom_Sx = np.percentile(self.Sx, 99.9, 1) if np.sum(denom_Sx == 0): denom_Sx[denom_Sx == 0] = np.maximum(np.max(self.Sx[denom_Sx == 0, :], 1), 0.001) denom_Ux = np.percentile(self.Ux, 99.9, 1) if np.sum(denom_Ux == 0): denom_Ux[denom_Ux == 0] = np.maximum(np.max(self.Ux[denom_Ux == 0, :], 1), 0.001) Sx_maxnorm = self.Sx / denom_Sx[:, None] Ux_maxnorm = self.Ux / denom_Ux[:, None] X = Sx_maxnorm + Ux_maxnorm down, up = np.percentile(X, maxmin_perc, axis=1) W = ((X <= down[:, None]) | (X >= up[:, None])).astype(float) elif weights == "maxmin_double": denom_Sx = np.percentile(self.Sx, 99.9, 1) denom_Sx[denom_Sx == 0] = np.maximum(np.max(self.Sx[denom_Sx == 0, :], 1), 0.001) denom_Ux = np.percentile(self.Ux, 99.9, 1) denom_Ux[denom_Ux == 0] = np.maximum(np.max(self.Ux[denom_Ux == 0, :], 1), 0.001) Sx_maxnorm = self.Sx / denom_Sx[:, None] Ux_maxnorm = self.Ux / denom_Ux[:, None] X = Sx_maxnorm + Ux_maxnorm down, up = np.percentile(X, maxmin_perc, axis=1) W = ((X <= down[:, None]) | (X >= up[:, None])).astype(float) down, up = np.percentile(self.Sx, maxmin_perc, 1) W += ((self.Sx <= down[:, None]) | (self.Sx >= up[:, None])).astype(float) if fit_offset: if weighted: self.gammas, self.q, self.R2 = fit_slope_weighted_offset(tmpU[:, self.steady_state], tmpS[:, self.steady_state], W, return_R2=True, limit_gamma=limit_gamma) else: if limit_gamma: logging.warning("limit_gamma not implemented with this settings") self.gammas, self.q = fit_slope_offset(tmpU[:, self.steady_state], tmpS[:, self.steady_state]) elif fixperc_q: if weighted: self.gammas, self.q = fit_slope_weighted_offset(tmpU[:, self.steady_state], tmpS[:, self.steady_state], W, fixperc_q=True, limit_gamma=limit_gamma) else: if limit_gamma: logging.warning("limit_gamma not implemented with this settings") self.gammas, self.q = fit_slope_offset(tmpU[:, self.steady_state], tmpS[:, self.steady_state], fixperc_q=True) else: if weighted: self.gammas, self.R2 = fit_slope_weighted(tmpU[:, self.steady_state], tmpS[:, self.steady_state], W, return_R2=True, limit_gamma=limit_gamma) self.q = np.zeros_like(self.gammas) else: if limit_gamma: logging.warning("limit_gamma not implemented with this settings") self.gammas = fit_slope(tmpU[:, self.steady_state], tmpS[:, self.steady_state]) self.q = np.zeros_like(self.gammas) # Fix gammas self.gammas[~np.isfinite(self.gammas)] = 0
[docs] def filter_genes_good_fit(self, minR: float=0.1, min_gamma: float=0.01) -> None: """For backwards compatibility a wrapper around filter_genes_by_phase_portrait """ return self.filter_genes_by_phase_portrait(minR2=minR, min_gamma=min_gamma, minCorr=None)
[docs] def filter_genes_by_phase_portrait(self, minR2: float=0.1, min_gamma: float=0.01, minCorr: float=0.1) -> None: """Use the coefficient of determination to filter away genes that have an irregular/complex phase portrait Arguments --------- minR2: float, default=0.1 Filter away low coefficient of determination fits. If None this filtering will be skipped min_gamma: float, default=0.01 Filter away low gammas. If None this filtering will be skipped minCorr: flaot, default=0.2 Filter away low spliced-unspliced correlation. If None this filtering will be skipped Returns ------- Nothing but modifies it filters out the genes that do not satisfy the conditions This affects: "U", "U_sz", "U_norm", "Ux", "Ux_sz", "Ux_norm", "S", "S_sz", "S_norm", "Sx", "Sx_sz", "Sx_norm", "gammas", "q", "R2" """ def paired_correlation_rows(A: np.array, B: np.array) -> np.array: A_m = A - A.mean(1)[:, None] B_m = B - B.mean(1)[:, None] return (A_m * B_m).sum(1) / (np.linalg.norm(A_m, 2, 1) * np.linalg.norm(B_m, 2, 1)) # @numba.njit() # def paired_correlation_rows(A, B): # res = np.zeros(A.shape[0]) # for i in range(A.shape[0]): # a = A[i,:] - np.sum(A[i,:]) / A.shape[1] # b = B[i,:] - np.sum(B[i,:]) / B.shape[1] # res[i] = np.sum(a * b) / (np.sqrt(np.sum(a*a)) * np.sqrt(np.sum(b*b))) # return res tmp_filter = np.ones(self.gammas.shape, dtype=bool) if minR2 is not None: # NOTE Should be: tmp_filter = np.sqrt(self.R2) > minR but since the fit is weighted and constrained R2 can be negative R2_corrected = np.sqrt(np.abs(self.R2)) * np.sign(self.R2) tmp_filter = tmp_filter & (R2_corrected > minR2) if min_gamma is not None: tmp_filter = tmp_filter & (self.gammas > min_gamma) if minCorr is not None: Corr = paired_correlation_rows(self.Sx_sz, self.Ux_sz) tmp_filter = tmp_filter & (Corr > minCorr) # Perform the filtering self.ra = {k: v[tmp_filter] for k, v in self.ra.items()} matrixes2filter = ["U", "U_sz", "U_norm", "Ux", "Ux_sz", "Ux_norm", "S", "S_sz", "S_norm", "Sx", "Sx_sz", "Sx_norm"] vectors2filter = ["gammas", "q", "R2"] for name_attr in matrixes2filter: if hasattr(self, name_attr): setattr(self, name_attr, getattr(self, name_attr)[tmp_filter, :]) for name_attr in vectors2filter: if hasattr(self, name_attr): setattr(self, name_attr, getattr(self, name_attr)[tmp_filter])
[docs] def predict_U(self, which_gamma: str="gammas", which_S: str= "Sx_sz", which_offset: str="q") -> None: """Predict U (gamma * S) given the gamma model fit Arguments --------- which_gamma: str, default="gammas" name of the attribute to use as gamma which_S: str, default="Sx_sz" name of the attribute to use as S which_offset: str, default="q" name of the attribute containing the offset Returns ------ Noting but it creates the attribute Upred: np.ndarray unspliced estimated as `gamma * S` """ self.which_S_for_pred = which_S if which_offset is None: if hasattr(self, "q_W") or hasattr(self, "q"): logging.warn("Predicting U without intercept but intercept was previously fit! Set which_offset='q' or 'q_W' ") self.Upred = getattr(self, which_gamma)[:, None] * getattr(self, which_S) # self.Upred = self.gammas[:, None] * self.Sx_sz else: self.Upred = getattr(self, which_gamma)[:, None] * getattr(self, which_S) + getattr(self, which_offset)[:, None]
[docs] def calculate_velocity(self, kind: str="residual", eps: float=None) -> None: """Calculate velocity Arguments --------- kind: str, default="residual" "residual" calculates the velocity as U_measured - U_predicted eps: float, default=None if specified, velocities with absolute value smaller than eps * range_of_U will be set to 0 if None this step will be skipped Results ------- Nothing but it creates the attribute: velocity: np.ndarray U_measured - U_predicted """ if kind == "residual": if self.which_S_for_pred == "Sx_sz": self.velocity = self.Ux_sz - self.Upred elif self.which_S_for_pred == "Sx": self.velocity = self.Ux - self.Upred else: NotImplementedError(f"Not implemented with which_S = {self.which_S_for_pred}") else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Velocity calculation kind={kind} is not implemented") if eps: minimal_signed_res = self.Upred.max(1) * eps self.velocity[np.abs(self.velocity) < minimal_signed_res[:, None]] = 0
[docs] def calculate_shift(self, assumption: str="constant_velocity", delta_t: float=1) -> None: """Find the change (deltaS) in gene expression for every cell Arguments --------- assumption: str, default="constant_velocity" constant_velocity (described in the paper as Model I) constant_unspliced (described in the paper as Model II) delta_t: float, default=1 the time step for extrapolation Returns ------- Nothing it only creates the following attributes delta_S: np.ndarray The variation in gene expression """ if assumption == "constant_velocity": self.delta_S = delta_t * self.velocity elif assumption == "constant_unspliced": # Ux_sz = self.Ux_sz - offset; Ux_sz[Ux_sz<0] = 0 # maybe I should say ratio see below Ux_szo = self.Ux_sz - self.q[:, None] Ux_szo[Ux_szo < 0] = 0 egt = np.exp(-self.gammas * delta_t)[:, None] self.delta_S = self.Sx_sz * egt + (1 - egt) * Ux_szo / self.gammas[:, None] - self.Sx_sz else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Assumption {assumption} is not implemented")
[docs] def extrapolate_cell_at_t(self, delta_t: float=1, clip: bool=True) -> None: """Extrapolate the gene expression profile for each cell after delta_t Arguments --------- delta_t: float, default=1 the time step considered for the extrapolation clip: bool, default=True If True negative values are clipped to zero Returns ------- Nothing but it creates the attributes: Sx_sz_t: np.ndarray the extrapolated expression profile used_delta_t: float stores delta_t for future usage """ if self.which_S_for_pred == "Sx_sz": self.Sx_sz_t = self.Sx_sz + delta_t * self.delta_S if clip: self.Sx_sz_t = np.clip(self.Sx_sz_t, 0, None) self.used_delta_t = delta_t elif self.which_S_for_pred == "Sx": self.Sx_t = self.Sx + delta_t * self.delta_S if clip: self.Sx_t = np.clip(self.Sx_t, 0, None) self.used_delta_t = delta_t else: NotImplementedError("not implemented for other situations other than Sx or Sx_sz")
[docs] def perform_TSNE(self, n_dims: int=2, perplexity: float=30, initial_pos: np.ndarray=None, theta: float=0.5, n_pca_dim: int=None, max_iter: int=1000) -> None: """Perform TSNE on the PCA using barnes hut approximation """ # Perform TSNE logging.debug("Running bhtsne") if initial_pos is None: initial_pos = "random" bh_tsne = TSNE(n_components=n_dims, perplexity=perplexity, angle=theta, init=initial_pos, n_iter=max_iter) self.ts = bh_tsne.fit_transform(self.pcs[:, :n_pca_dim])
[docs] def estimate_transition_prob(self, hidim: str="Sx_sz", embed: str="ts", transform: str="sqrt", ndims: int=None, n_sight: int=None, psc: float=None, knn_random: bool=True, sampled_fraction: float=0.3, sampling_probs: Tuple[float, float]=(0.5, 0.1), max_dist_embed: float=None, n_jobs: int=4, threads: int=None, calculate_randomized: bool=True, random_seed: int=15071990, **kwargs) -> None: """Use correlation to estimate transition probabilities for every cells to its embedding neighborhood Arguments --------- hidim: str, default="Sx_sz" The name of the attribute containing the high dimensional space. It will be retrieved as getattr(self, hidim) The updated vector at time t is assumed to be getattr(self, hidim + "_t") Appending .T to the string will transpose the matrix (useful in case we want to use S or Sx) embed: str, default="ts" The name of the attribute containing the embedding. It will be retrieved as getattr(self, embed) transform: str, default="sqrt" The transformation that is applies on the high dimensional space. If None the raw data will be used ndims: int, default=None The number of dimensions of the high dimensional space to work with. If None all will be considered It makes sense only when using principal components n_sight: int, default=None (also n_neighbors) The number of neighbors to take into account when performing the projection psc: float, default=None pseudocount added in variance normalizing transform If None, 1 would be used for log, 0 otherwise knn_random: bool, default=True whether to random sample the neighborhoods to speedup calculation sampling_probs: Tuple, default=(0.5, 1) max_dist_embed: float, default=None CURRENTLY NOT USED The maximum distance allowed If None it will be set to 0.25 * average_distance_two_points_taken_at_random n_jobs: int, default=4 number of jobs to calculate knn this only applies to the knn search, for the more time consuming correlation computation see threads threads: int, default=None The threads will be used for the actual correlation computation by default half of the total. calculate_randomized: bool, default=True Calculate the transition probabilities with randomized residuals. This can be plotted downstream as a negative control and can be used to adjust the visualization scale of the velocity field. random_seed: int, default=15071990 Random seed to make knn_random mode reproducible Returns ------- """ numba_random_seed(random_seed) self.which_hidim = hidim if "n_neighbors" in kwargs: n_neighbors = kwargs.pop("n_neighbors") if len(kwargs) > 0: logging.warning(f"keyword arguments were passed but could not be interpreted {kwargs}") else: n_neighbors = None if n_sight is None and n_neighbors is None: n_neighbors = int(self.S.shape[1] / 5) if (n_sight is not None) and (n_neighbors is not None) and n_neighbors != n_sight: raise ValueError("n_sight and n_neighbors are different names for the same parameter, they cannot be set differently") if n_sight is not None and n_neighbors is None: n_neighbors = n_sight if psc is None: if transform == "log" or transform == "logratio": psc = 1. elif transform == "sqrt": psc = 1e-10 # for numerical stablity else: # transform == "linear": psc = 0 if knn_random: np.random.seed(random_seed) self.corr_calc = "knn_random" if "pcs" in hidim: # sic hi_dim = np.array(getattr(self, hidim).T[:, :ndims], order="C") hi_dim_t = np.array(getattr(self, hidim + "_t").T[:, :ndims], order="C") else: if ndims is not None: raise ValueError(f"ndims was set to {ndims} but hidim != 'pcs'. Set ndims = None for hidim='{hidim}'") hi_dim = getattr(self, hidim) # [:, :ndims] hi_dim_t = hi_dim + self.used_delta_t * self.delta_S # [:, :ndims] [:, :ndims] if calculate_randomized: self.delta_S_rndm = np.copy(self.delta_S) permute_rows_nsign(self.delta_S_rndm) hi_dim_t_rndm = hi_dim + self.used_delta_t * self.delta_S_rndm embedding = getattr(self, embed) self.embedding = embedding logging.debug("Calculate KNN in the embedding space") nn = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=n_neighbors + 1, n_jobs=n_jobs) # NOTE should support knn in high dimensions self.embedding_knn = nn.kneighbors_graph(mode="connectivity") # Pick random neighbours and prune the rest neigh_ixs = self.embedding_knn.indices.reshape((-1, n_neighbors + 1)) p = np.linspace(sampling_probs[0], sampling_probs[1], neigh_ixs.shape[1]) p = p / p.sum() # There was a problem of API consistency because the random.choice can pick the diagonal value (or not) # resulting self.corrcoeff with different number of nonzero entry per row. # Not updated yet not to break previous analyses # Fix is substituting below `neigh_ixs.shape[1]` with `np.arange(1,neigh_ixs.shape[1]-1)` # I change it here since I am doing some breaking changes sampling_ixs = np.stack((np.random.choice(neigh_ixs.shape[1], size=(int(sampled_fraction * (n_neighbors + 1)),), replace=False, p=p) for i in range(neigh_ixs.shape[0])), 0) self.sampling_ixs = sampling_ixs neigh_ixs = neigh_ixs[np.arange(neigh_ixs.shape[0])[:, None], sampling_ixs] nonzero = neigh_ixs.shape[0] * neigh_ixs.shape[1] self.embedding_knn = sparse.csr_matrix((np.ones(nonzero), neigh_ixs.ravel(), np.arange(0, nonzero + 1, neigh_ixs.shape[1])), shape=(neigh_ixs.shape[0], neigh_ixs.shape[0])) logging.debug(f"Correlation Calculation '{self.corr_calc}'") if transform == "log": delta_hi_dim = hi_dim_t - hi_dim self.corrcoef = colDeltaCorLog10partial(hi_dim, np.log10(np.abs(delta_hi_dim) + psc) * np.sign(delta_hi_dim), neigh_ixs, threads=threads, psc=psc) if calculate_randomized: logging.debug(f"Correlation Calculation for negative control") delta_hi_dim_rndm = hi_dim_t_rndm - hi_dim self.corrcoef_random = colDeltaCorLog10partial(hi_dim, np.log10(np.abs(delta_hi_dim_rndm) + psc) * np.sign(delta_hi_dim_rndm), neigh_ixs, threads=threads, psc=psc) elif transform == "logratio": log2hidim = np.log2(hi_dim + psc) delta_hi_dim = np.log2(np.abs(hi_dim_t) + psc) - log2hidim self.corrcoef = colDeltaCorpartial(log2hidim, delta_hi_dim, neigh_ixs, threads=threads) if calculate_randomized: logging.debug(f"Correlation Calculation for negative control") delta_hi_dim_rndm = np.log2(np.abs(hi_dim_t_rndm) + psc) - log2hidim self.corrcoef_random = colDeltaCorpartial(log2hidim, delta_hi_dim_rndm, neigh_ixs, threads=threads) elif transform == "linear": self.corrcoef = colDeltaCorpartial(hi_dim, hi_dim_t - hi_dim, neigh_ixs, threads=threads) if calculate_randomized: logging.debug(f"Correlation Calculation for negative control") self.corrcoef_random = colDeltaCorpartial(hi_dim, hi_dim_t_rndm - hi_dim, neigh_ixs, threads=threads) elif transform == "sqrt": delta_hi_dim = hi_dim_t - hi_dim self.corrcoef = colDeltaCorSqrtpartial(hi_dim, np.sqrt(np.abs(delta_hi_dim) + psc) * np.sign(delta_hi_dim), neigh_ixs, threads=threads, psc=psc) if calculate_randomized: logging.debug(f"Correlation Calculation for negative control") delta_hi_dim_rndm = hi_dim_t_rndm - hi_dim self.corrcoef_random = colDeltaCorSqrtpartial(hi_dim, np.sqrt(np.abs(delta_hi_dim_rndm) + psc) * np.sign(delta_hi_dim_rndm), neigh_ixs, threads=threads, psc=psc) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"transform={transform} is not a valid parameter") np.fill_diagonal(self.corrcoef, 0) if np.any(np.isnan(self.corrcoef)): self.corrcoef[np.isnan(self.corrcoef)] = 1 logging.warning("Nans encountered in corrcoef and corrected to 1s. If not identical cells were present it is probably a small isolated cluster converging after imputation.") if calculate_randomized: np.fill_diagonal(self.corrcoef_random, 0) if np.any(np.isnan(self.corrcoef_random)): self.corrcoef_random[np.isnan(self.corrcoef_random)] = 1 logging.warning("Nans encountered in corrcoef_random and corrected to 1s. If not identical cells were present it is probably a small isolated cluster converging after imputation.") logging.debug(f"Done Correlation Calculation") else: self.corr_calc = "full" if "pcs" in hidim: # sic hi_dim = np.array(getattr(self, hidim).T[:, :ndims], order="C") hi_dim_t = np.array(getattr(self, hidim + "_t").T[:, :ndims], order="C") else: if ndims is not None: raise ValueError(f"ndims was set to {ndims} but hidim != 'pcs'. Set ndims = None for hidim='{hidim}'") hi_dim = getattr(self, hidim) # [:, :ndims] hi_dim_t = hi_dim + self.used_delta_t * self.delta_S # [:, :ndims] [:, :ndims] if calculate_randomized: self.delta_S_rndm = np.copy(self.delta_S) permute_rows_nsign(self.delta_S_rndm) hi_dim_t_rndm = hi_dim + self.used_delta_t * self.delta_S_rndm embedding = getattr(self, embed) self.embedding = embedding logging.debug("Calculate KNN in the embedding space") nn = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=n_neighbors + 1, n_jobs=n_jobs) self.embedding_knn = nn.kneighbors_graph(mode="connectivity") logging.debug("Correlation Calculation 'full'") if transform == "log": delta_hi_dim = hi_dim_t - hi_dim self.corrcoef = colDeltaCorLog10(hi_dim, np.log10(np.abs(delta_hi_dim) + psc) * np.sign(delta_hi_dim), threads=threads, psc=psc) if calculate_randomized: logging.debug(f"Correlation Calculation for negative control") delta_hi_dim_rndm = hi_dim_t_rndm - hi_dim self.corrcoef_random = colDeltaCorLog10(hi_dim, np.log10(np.abs(delta_hi_dim_rndm) + psc) * np.sign(delta_hi_dim_rndm), threads=threads, psc=psc) elif transform == "logratio": log2hidim = np.log2(hi_dim + psc) delta_hi_dim = np.log2(np.abs(hi_dim_t) + psc) - log2hidim self.corrcoef = colDeltaCor(log2hidim, delta_hi_dim, threads=threads) if calculate_randomized: logging.debug(f"Correlation Calculation for negative control") delta_hi_dim_rndm = np.log2(np.abs(hi_dim_t_rndm) + 1) - log2hidim self.corrcoef_random = colDeltaCor(log2hidim, delta_hi_dim_rndm, threads=threads) elif transform == "linear": self.corrcoef = colDeltaCor(hi_dim, hi_dim_t - hi_dim, threads=threads) if calculate_randomized: logging.debug(f"Correlation Calculation for negative control") self.corrcoef_random = colDeltaCor(hi_dim, hi_dim_t_rndm - hi_dim, threads=threads, psc=psc) elif transform == "sqrt": delta_hi_dim = hi_dim_t - hi_dim self.corrcoef = colDeltaCorSqrt(hi_dim, np.sqrt(np.abs(delta_hi_dim) + psc) * np.sign(delta_hi_dim), threads=threads, psc=psc) if calculate_randomized: logging.debug(f"Correlation Calculation for negative control") delta_hi_dim_rndm = hi_dim_t_rndm - hi_dim self.corrcoef_random = colDeltaCorSqrt(hi_dim, np.sqrt(np.abs(delta_hi_dim_rndm) + psc) * np.sign(delta_hi_dim_rndm), threads=threads, psc=psc) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"transform={transform} is not a valid parameter") np.fill_diagonal(self.corrcoef, 0) if calculate_randomized: np.fill_diagonal(self.corrcoef_random, 0)
[docs] def calculate_embedding_shift(self, sigma_corr: float=0.05, expression_scaling: bool=True, scaling_penalty: float=1.) -> None: """Use the transition probability to project the velocity direction on the embedding Arguments --------- sigma_corr: float, default=0.05 the kernel scaling expression_scaling: bool, default=True rescale arrow intensity penalizing arrows that explain very small amount of expression differences scaling_penalty: float, default=1 Higher values correspond to a stronger penalty Returns ------- Nothing but it creates the following attributes: transition_prob: np.ndarray the transition probability calculated using the exponential kernel on the correlation coefficient delta_embedding: np.ndarray The resulting vector """ # Kernel evaluation logging.debug("Calculate transition probability") if self.corr_calc == "full" or self.corr_calc == "knn_random": # NOTE maybe sparse matrix here are slower than dense # NOTE if knn_random this could be made much faster either using sparse matrix or neigh_ixs self.transition_prob = np.exp(self.corrcoef / sigma_corr) * self.embedding_knn.A # naive self.transition_prob /= self.transition_prob.sum(1)[:, None] if hasattr(self, "corrcoef_random"): logging.debug("Calculate transition probability for negative control") self.transition_prob_random = np.exp(self.corrcoef_random / sigma_corr) * self.embedding_knn.A # naive self.transition_prob_random /= self.transition_prob_random.sum(1)[:, None] unitary_vectors = self.embedding.T[:, None, :] - self.embedding.T[:, :, None] # shape (2,ncells,ncells) with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): unitary_vectors /= np.linalg.norm(unitary_vectors, ord=2, axis=0) # divide by L2 np.fill_diagonal(unitary_vectors[0, ...], 0) # fix nans np.fill_diagonal(unitary_vectors[1, ...], 0) self.delta_embedding = (self.transition_prob * unitary_vectors).sum(2) self.delta_embedding -= (self.embedding_knn.A * unitary_vectors).sum(2) / self.embedding_knn.sum(1).A.T self.delta_embedding = self.delta_embedding.T if expression_scaling: hi_dim = getattr(self, self.which_hidim) estim_delta = - / self.embedding_knn.sum(1).A).T) cos_proj = (self.delta_S * estim_delta).sum(0) / np.sqrt((estim_delta**2).sum(0)) self.scaling = np.clip(cos_proj / scaling_penalty, 0, 1) self.delta_embedding = self.delta_embedding * self.scaling[:, None] if hasattr(self, "corrcoef_random"): self.delta_embedding_random = (self.transition_prob_random * unitary_vectors).sum(2) self.delta_embedding_random -= (self.embedding_knn.A * unitary_vectors).sum(2) / self.embedding_knn.sum(1).A.T self.delta_embedding_random = self.delta_embedding_random.T if expression_scaling: estim_delta_rndm = - / self.embedding_knn.sum(1).A).T) cos_proj_rndm = (self.delta_S_rndm * estim_delta_rndm).sum(0) / np.sqrt((estim_delta_rndm**2).sum(0)) self.scaling_rndm = np.clip(cos_proj_rndm / scaling_penalty, 0, 1) self.delta_embedding_random = self.delta_embedding_random * self.scaling_rndm[:, None] else: # NOTE should implement a version with cython raise NotImplementedError(f"Weird value self.corr_calc={self.corr_calc}")
[docs] def calculate_grid_arrows(self, embed: str="embedding", smooth: float=0.5, steps: Tuple=(40, 40), n_neighbors: int=100, n_jobs: int=4) -> None: """Calculate the velocity using a points on a regular grid and a gaussian kernel Note: the function should work also for n-dimensional grid Arguments --------- embed: str, default=embedding The name of the attribute containing the embedding. It will be retrieved as getattr(self, embed) The difference vector is getattr(self, 'delta' + '_' + embed) smooth: float, smooth=0.5 Higher value correspond to taking in consideration further points the standard deviation of the gaussian kernel is smooth * stepsize steps: tuple, default the number of steps in the grid for each axis n_neighbors: number of neighbors to use in the calculation, bigger number should not change too much the results.. soon as smooth is small Higher value correspond to slower execution time n_jobs: number of processes for parallel computing Returns ------- Nothing but it sets the attributes: flow_embedding: np.ndarray the coordinates of the embedding flow_grid: np.ndarray the gridpoints flow: np.ndarray vector field coordinates flow_magnitude: np.ndarray magnitude of each vector on the grid total_p_mass: np.ndarray density at each point of the grid """ embedding = getattr(self, embed) if hasattr(self, f"delta_{embed}"): delta_embedding = getattr(self, f"delta_{embed}") if hasattr(self, "corrcoef_random"): delta_embedding_random = getattr(self, f"delta_{embed}_random") else: raise KeyError("This embedding does not have a delta_*") # Prepare the grid grs = [] for dim_i in range(embedding.shape[1]): m, M = np.min(embedding[:, dim_i]), np.max(embedding[:, dim_i]) m = m - 0.025 * np.abs(M - m) M = M + 0.025 * np.abs(M - m) gr = np.linspace(m, M, steps[dim_i]) grs.append(gr) meshes_tuple = np.meshgrid(*grs) gridpoints_coordinates = np.vstack([i.flat for i in meshes_tuple]).T nn = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=n_neighbors, n_jobs=n_jobs) dists, neighs = nn.kneighbors(gridpoints_coordinates) std = np.mean([(g[1] - g[0]) for g in grs]) # isotropic gaussian kernel gaussian_w = normal.pdf(loc=0, scale=smooth * std, x=dists) self.total_p_mass = gaussian_w.sum(1) UZ = (delta_embedding[neighs] * gaussian_w[:, :, None]).sum(1) / np.maximum(1, self.total_p_mass)[:, None] # weighed average magnitude = np.linalg.norm(UZ, axis=1) # Assign attributes self.flow_embedding = embedding self.flow_grid = gridpoints_coordinates self.flow = UZ self.flow_norm = UZ / np.percentile(magnitude, 99.5) self.flow_norm_magnitude = np.linalg.norm(self.flow_norm, axis=1) if hasattr(self, "corrcoef_random"): UZ_rndm = (delta_embedding_random[neighs] * gaussian_w[:, :, None]).sum(1) / np.maximum(1, self.total_p_mass)[:, None] # weighed average magnitude_rndm = np.linalg.norm(UZ, axis=1) # Assign attributes self.flow_rndm = UZ_rndm self.flow_norm_rndm = UZ_rndm / np.percentile(magnitude_rndm, 99.5) self.flow_norm_magnitude_rndm = np.linalg.norm(self.flow_norm_rndm, axis=1)
[docs] def prepare_markov(self, sigma_D: np.ndarray, sigma_W: np.ndarray, direction: str="forward", cells_ixs: np.ndarray=None) -> None: """Prepare a transition probability for Markov process Arguments --------- sigma_D: float the standard deviation used on the locality-limiting component sigma_W: float the standard deviation used on the noise component direction: str, default="backwards" whether to diffuse forward of backwards cells_ixs: np.ndarray, default=None Cells to use, if None all the cells will be considered. Returns ------- Nothing but it creates the following attributes: tr: np.ndarray the transition probability matrix """ if cells_ixs is None: cells_ixs = np.arange(self.transition_prob.shape[0]) # NOTE: This implementation is not speed optimized to improve the speed of the implementation: # - the C/Fortran contiguity of the transition matrix should be taken into account # - a knn implementation would reduce computation # - should avoid transformation to and from dense-sparse formats if direction == "forward": = np.array(self.transition_prob[cells_ixs, :][:, cells_ixs]) elif direction == "backwards": = np.array((self.transition_prob[cells_ixs, :][:, cells_ixs]).T, order="C") else: raise NotImplementedError(f"{direction} is not an implemented direction") dist_matrix = squareform(pdist(self.embedding[cells_ixs, :])) K_D = gaussian_kernel(dist_matrix, sigma=sigma_D) = * K_D # Fill diagonal with max or the row and sum=1 normalize np.fill_diagonal(, = /[:, None] K_W = gaussian_kernel(dist_matrix, sigma=sigma_W) K_W = K_W / K_W.sum(1)[:, None] = 0.8 * + 0.2 * K_W = /[:, None] = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(
[docs] def run_markov(self, starting_p: np.ndarray=None, n_steps: int=2500, mode: str="time_evolution") -> None: """Run a Markov process Arguments --------- starting_p: np.ndarray, default=None specifies the starting density if None is passed an array of 1/[0] will be created n_steps: np.ndarray, default=2500 Numbers of steps to be performed mode: str, default="time_evolution" this argument is passed to the Diffusion.diffuse call Returns ------- Nothing but it creates the attribute: diffused: np.ndarray The probability to be found at any of the states """ if starting_p is None: starting_p = np.ones([0]) /[0] diffusor = Diffusion() self.diffused = diffusor.diffuse(starting_p,, n_steps=n_steps, mode=mode)[0]
[docs] def default_filter_and_norm(self, min_expr_counts: int=None, min_cells_express: int=None, N: int=None, min_avg_U: float=None, min_avg_S: float=None) -> None: """Useful function to get started with velocyto: it performs initial filtering and feature selection, it uses some heuristics to determine the thresholds, results might be suboptimal. See `the analysis quick start guide <>`_ for further info. Arguments --------- min_expr_counts: int, default=None filtering condition: the minimum spliced counts min_cells_express: int, default=None filtering condition: the minimum number of cells expressing the gene N: int, default=None number of genes selected by the feature selection procedure min_avg_U: float, default=None if cluster have been specified beforehand (using the function set_clusters) then this is the minimum average unspliced molecules per cluster min_avg_S: float, default=None if cluster have been specified beforehand (using the function set_clusters) then this is the minimum average spliced molecules per cluster """ logging.warning("DEPRECATION WARNING - the current function is deprecated. Please refer to documentation for default parameters usage") if min_expr_counts is None: min_expr_counts = max(20, min(100, self.S.shape[1] * 2.25e-3)) if min_cells_express is None: min_cells_express = max(10, min(50, self.S.shape[1] * 1.5e-3)) if N is None: N = max(1000, min(int((self.S.shape[1] / 1000)**(1 / 3) / 0.0008), 5000)) if min_avg_U is None: min_avg_U = 0.01 if min_avg_S is None: min_avg_S = 0.08 # This is called just to compute the initial cell size, normalized value will be recalculated self.normalize("S", size=True, log=False) self.normalize("U", size=True, log=False) self.score_detection_levels(min_expr_counts=min_expr_counts, min_cells_express=min_cells_express) self.filter_genes(by_detection_levels=True) self.score_cv_vs_mean(N=N, max_expr_avg=40) self.filter_genes(by_cv_vs_mean=True) self.score_detection_levels(min_expr_counts=0, min_cells_express=0, min_expr_counts_U=int(min_expr_counts / 2) + 1, min_cells_express_U=int(min_cells_express / 2) + 1) if hasattr(self, "cluster_labels"): self.score_cluster_expression(min_avg_U=min_avg_U, min_avg_S=min_avg_S) self.filter_genes(by_detection_levels=True, by_cluster_expression=True) else: self.filter_genes(by_detection_levels=True) self.normalize_by_total() self.adjust_totS_totU(normalize_total=True)
[docs] def default_fit_preparation(self, k: int=None, n_comps: int=None) -> None: """Useful function to get started with velocyto: it performs PCA and kNN smoothing, it uses some heuristics to determine the parameters, results might be suboptimal. See `the analysis quick start guide <>`_ for further info. Arguments --------- k: int, default=None k in k-NearestNeighbors smoothing n_comps: int, default=None numbed of components in pca """ logging.warning("DEPRECATION WARNING - the current function is deprecated. Please refer to documetation for default parameters usage") self.perform_PCA() # Choose the number of components to use for the kNN graph if n_comps is None: n_comps = int(np.where(np.diff(np.diff(np.cumsum(self.pca.explained_variance_ratio_)) > 0.002))[0][0]) if k is None: k = int(min(1000, max(10, np.ceil(self.S.shape[1] * 0.02)))) self.knn_imputation(n_pca_dims=n_comps, k=k, balanced=True, b_sight=int(min(k * 8, self.S.shape[1] - 1)), b_maxl=int(min(k * 4, self.S.shape[1] - 1))) self.normalize_median()
def _plot_phase_portrait(self, gene: str, gs_i: Any=None) -> None: """Plot spliced-unspliced scatterplot resembling phase portrait """ if gene is None: plt.subplot(111) else: plt.subplot(gs_i) ix = np.where(self.ra["Gene"] == gene)[0][0] scatter_viz(self.Sx_sz[ix, :], self.Ux_sz[ix, :], c=self.colorandum, s=5, alpha=0.4) plt.title(gene) xnew = np.linspace(0, self.Sx_sz[ix, :].max()) plt.plot(xnew, self.gammas[ix] * xnew + self.q[ix], c="k")
[docs] def plot_phase_portraits(self, genes: List[str]) -> None: """Plot spliced-unspliced scatterplots resembling phase portraits Arguments --------- genes: List[str] A list of gene symbols. """ n = len(genes) sqrtn = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(n))) gs = plt.GridSpec(sqrtn, int(np.ceil(n / sqrtn))) for i, gn in enumerate(genes): self._plot_phase_portrait(gn, gs[i])
[docs] def plot_grid_arrows(self, quiver_scale: Union[str, float]="auto", scale_type: str= "relative", min_mass: float=1, min_magnitude: float=None, scatter_kwargs_dict: Dict= None, plot_dots: bool=False, plot_random: bool=False, **quiver_kwargs: Any) -> None: """Plots vector field averaging velocity vectors on a grid Arguments --------- quiver_scale: float, default="auto" Rescaling factor applied to the arrow field to enhance visibility If "auto" the scale is selected using the randomized (negative) control (even if `plot_random`=False) If a float is provided the interpretation of the value depends on the parameter `scale_type`, see below. NOTE: In the situation where "auto" is resulting in very small or big velocities, pass a float to this parameter The float will be interpreted as a scaling, importantly both the data and the control will be scaled in this way you can rescale the velocity arbitrarily without the risk of observing just an overfit of the noise scale_type: str, default="relative" How to interpret `quiver_scale`: If "relative" (default) the value will be used as a scaling factor and multiplied by the value from "auto" (it follows that quiver_scale="auto" is equivalent to quiver_scale=1) If "absolute" the value will be passed to the matplotlib quiver function (not recommended if you are not sure what this implies) min_mass: float, default=1 the minimum density around a grid point for it to be considered and plotted min_magnitude: float, default=None the minimum magnitude of the velocity for it to be considered and plotted scatter_kwargs_dict: dict, default=None a dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to scatter by default the following are passed: s=20, zorder=-1, alpha=0.2, lw=0, c=self.colorandum. But they can be overridden. plot_dots: bool, default=True whether to plot dots in correspondence of all low velocity grid points plot_random: bool, default=True whether to plot the randomized control next to the plot **quiver_kwargs: dict keyword arguments to pass to quiver By default the following are passed angles='xy', scale_units='xy', minlength=1.5. But they can be overridden. """ # plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) _quiver_kwargs = {"angles": 'xy', "scale_units": 'xy', "minlength": 1.5} _quiver_kwargs.update(quiver_kwargs) scatter_dict = {"s": 20, "zorder": -1, "alpha": 0.2, "lw": 0, "c": self.colorandum} if scatter_kwargs_dict is not None: scatter_dict.update(scatter_kwargs_dict) # Determine quiver scale if scale_type == "relative": if hasattr(self, "flow_rndm"): plot_scale = np.linalg.norm(np.max(self.flow_grid, 0) - np.min(self.flow_grid, 0), 2) # Diagonal of the plot arrows_scale = np.percentile(np.linalg.norm(self.flow_rndm[self.total_p_mass >= min_mass, :], 2, 1), 90) # Tipical lenght of an arrow if quiver_scale == "auto": quiver_scale = arrows_scale / (plot_scale * 0.0025) else: quiver_scale = quiver_scale * arrows_scale / (plot_scale * 0.0025) else: raise ValueError(""""`scale_type` was set to 'relative' but the randomized control was not computed when running estimate_transition_prob Please run estimate_transition_prob or set `scale_type` to `absolute`""") else: logging.warning("The arrow scale was set to be 'absolute' make sure you know how to properly interpret the plots") mass_filter = self.total_p_mass < min_mass if min_magnitude is None: XY, UV = np.copy(self.flow_grid), np.copy(self.flow) if not plot_dots: UV = UV[~mass_filter, :] XY = XY[~mass_filter, :] else: UV[mass_filter, :] = 0 else: XY, UV = np.copy(self.flow_grid), np.copy(self.flow_norm) if not plot_dots: UV = UV[~(mass_filter | (self.flow_norm_magnitude < min_magnitude)), :] XY = XY[~(mass_filter | (self.flow_norm_magnitude < min_magnitude)), :] else: UV[mass_filter | (self.flow_norm_magnitude < min_magnitude), :] = 0 if plot_random: if min_magnitude is None: XY, UV_rndm = np.copy(self.flow_grid), np.copy(self.flow_rndm) if not plot_dots: UV_rndm = UV_rndm[~mass_filter, :] XY = XY[~mass_filter, :] else: UV_rndm[mass_filter, :] = 0 else: XY, UV_rndm = np.copy(self.flow_grid), np.copy(self.flow_norm_rndm) if not plot_dots: UV_rndm = UV_rndm[~(mass_filter | (self.flow_norm_magnitude_rndm < min_magnitude)), :] XY = XY[~(mass_filter | (self.flow_norm_magnitude_rndm < min_magnitude)), :] else: UV_rndm[mass_filter | (self.flow_norm_magnitude_rndm < min_magnitude), :] = 0 plt.subplot(122) plt.title("Randomized") plt.scatter(self.flow_embedding[:, 0], self.flow_embedding[:, 1], **scatter_dict) plt.quiver(XY[:, 0], XY[:, 1], UV_rndm[:, 0], UV_rndm[:, 1], scale=quiver_scale, zorder=20000, **_quiver_kwargs) plt.axis("off") plt.subplot(121) plt.title("Data") plt.scatter(self.flow_embedding[:, 0], self.flow_embedding[:, 1], **scatter_dict) plt.quiver(XY[:, 0], XY[:, 1], UV[:, 0], UV[:, 1], scale=quiver_scale, zorder=20000, **_quiver_kwargs) plt.axis("off")
[docs] def plot_arrows_embedding(self, choice: Union[str, int]="auto", quiver_scale: Union[str, float]="auto", scale_type: str="relative", plot_scatter: bool=False, scatter_kwargs: Dict={}, color_arrow: str="cluster", new_fig: bool=False, plot_random: bool=True, **quiver_kwargs: Any) -> None: """Plots velocity on the embedding cell-wise Arguments --------- choice: int, default = "auto" the number of cells to randomly pick to plot the arrows (To avoid overcrowding) quiver_scale: float, default="auto" Rescaling factor applied to the arrow field to enhance visibility If "auto" the scale is selected using the randomized (negative) control (even if `plot_random`=False) If a float is provided the interpretation of the value depends on the parameter `scale_type`, see below. NOTE: Despite a similar option than plot_grid_arrows, here there is no strong motivation to calculate the scale relative to the randomized control This is because the randomized doesn't have to have smaller velocity cell-wise, there might be for example scattered cells that will have strong velocity but they will, correctly just average out when calculating the average velocity field. scale_type: str, default="relative" How to interpret `quiver_scale`: If "relative" (default) the value will be used as a scaling factor and multiplied by the value from "auto" (it follows that quiver_scale="auto" is equivalent to quiver_scale=1) If "absolute" the value will be passed to the matplotlib quiver function plot_scatter: bool, default = False whether to plot the points scatter_kwargs: Dict A dictionary containing all the keywords arguments to pass to matplotlib scatter by default the following are passed: c="0.8", alpha=0.4, s=10, edgecolor=(0, 0, 0, 1), lw=0.3. But they can be overridden. color_arrow: str, default = "cluster" the color of the arrows, if "cluster" the arrows are colored the same as the cluster new_fig: bool, default=False whether to create a new figure plot_random: bool, default=True whether to plot the randomized control next to the plot **quiver_kwargs: dict keyword arguments to pass to quiver By default the following are passed angles='xy', scale_units='xy', minlength=1.5. But they can be overridden. Returns ------- Nothing, just plots the tsne with arrows """ if choice == "auto": choice = int(self.S.shape[1] / 3) logging.warning(f"Only {choice} arrows will be shown to avoid overcrowding, you can choose the exact number setting the `choice` argument") _quiver_kwargs = {"angles": 'xy', "scale_units": 'xy', "minlength": 1.5} _scatter_kwargs = dict(c="0.8", alpha=0.4, s=10, edgecolor=(0, 0, 0, 1), lw=0.3) _scatter_kwargs.update(scatter_kwargs) if new_fig: if plot_random and hasattr(self, "delta_embedding_random"): plt.figure(figsize=(22, 12)) else: plt.figure(figsize=(14, 14)) ix_choice = np.random.choice(self.embedding.shape[0], size=choice, replace=False) # Determine quiver scale if scale_type == "relative": if hasattr(self, "delta_embedding_random"): plot_scale = np.linalg.norm(np.max(self.flow_grid, 0) - np.min(self.flow_grid, 0), 2) # Diagonal of the plot arrows_scale = np.percentile(np.linalg.norm(self.delta_embedding_random, 2, 1), 80) # Tipical length of an arrow if quiver_scale == "auto": quiver_scale = arrows_scale / (plot_scale * 0.005) else: quiver_scale = quiver_scale * arrows_scale / (plot_scale * 0.005) else: raise ValueError("""`scale_type` was set to 'relative' but the randomized control was not computed when running estimate_transition_prob Please run estimate_transition_prob or set `scale_type` to `absolute`""") else: logging.warning("The arrow scale was set to be 'absolute' make sure you know how to properly interpret the plots") if color_arrow == "cluster": colorandum = self.colorandum[ix_choice, :] else: colorandum = color_arrow _quiver_kwargs.update({"color": colorandum}) _quiver_kwargs.update(quiver_kwargs) if plot_random and hasattr(self, "delta_embedding_random"): plt.subplot(122) plt.title("Randomized") if plot_scatter: plt.scatter(self.embedding[:, 0], self.embedding[:, 1], **_scatter_kwargs) plt.quiver(self.embedding[ix_choice, 0], self.embedding[ix_choice, 1], self.delta_embedding_random[ix_choice, 0], self.delta_embedding_random[ix_choice, 1], scale=quiver_scale, **_quiver_kwargs) plt.axis("off") plt.subplot(121) plt.title("Data") if plot_scatter: plt.scatter(self.embedding[:, 0], self.embedding[:, 1], **_scatter_kwargs) plt.quiver(self.embedding[ix_choice, 0], self.embedding[ix_choice, 1], self.delta_embedding[ix_choice, 0], self.delta_embedding[ix_choice, 1], scale=quiver_scale, **_quiver_kwargs) plt.axis("off")
[docs] def plot_cell_transitions(self, cell_ix: int=0, alpha: float=0.1, alpha_neigh: float=0.2, cmap_name: str="RdBu_r", plot_arrow: bool=True, mark_cell: bool=True, head_width: int=3) -> None: """Plot the probability of a cell to transition to any other cell This function is untested """ cmap = colorandum = np.ones((self.embedding.shape[0], 4)) colorandum *= 0.3 colorandum[:, -1] = alpha plt.scatter(self.embedding[:, 0], self.embedding[:, 1], c=colorandum, s=50, edgecolor="") if mark_cell: plt.scatter(self.embedding[cell_ix, 0], self.embedding[cell_ix, 1], facecolor="none", s=100, edgecolor="k") if plot_arrow: plt.arrow(self.embedding[cell_ix, 0], self.embedding[cell_ix, 1], self.delta_embedding[cell_ix, 0], self.delta_embedding[cell_ix, 1], head_width=head_width, length_includes_head=True)
[docs] def plot_velocity_as_color(self, gene_name: str=None, cmap: Any=, gs: Any=None, which_tsne: str="ts", **kwargs: Dict) -> None: """Plot velocity as color on the Tsne embedding Arguments --------- gene_name: str The name of the gene, should be present in self.S cmap:, Colormap to use, divergent ones are better, RdBu_r is default Notice that 0 will be always set as the center of the colormap. (e.g. white in RdBu_r) gs: Gridspec subplot Gridspec subplot to plot on. which_tsne: str, default="ts" the name of the attributed where the desired embedding is stored **kwargs: dict other keywords arguments will be passed to the plt.scatter call Returns ------- Nothing """ ix = np.where(self.ra["Gene"] == gene_name)[0][0] kwarg_plot = {"alpha": 0.5, "s": 8, "edgecolor": "0.8", "lw": 0.15} kwarg_plot.update(kwargs) if gs is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) plt.subplot(111) else: plt.subplot(gs) tsne = getattr(self, which_tsne) if self.which_S_for_pred == "Sx_sz": tmp_colorandum = self.Sx_sz_t[ix, :] - self.Sx_sz[ix, :] else: tmp_colorandum = self.Sx_t[ix, :] - self.Sx[ix, :] if (np.abs(tmp_colorandum) > 0.00005).sum() < 10: # If S vs U scatterplot it is flat print("S vs U scatterplot it is flat") return limit = np.max(np.abs(np.percentile(tmp_colorandum, [1, 99]))) # upper and lowe limit / saturation tmp_colorandum = tmp_colorandum + limit # that is: tmp_colorandum - (-limit) tmp_colorandum = tmp_colorandum / (2 * limit) # that is: tmp_colorandum / (limit - (-limit)) tmp_colorandum = np.clip(tmp_colorandum, 0, 1) scatter_viz(tsne[:, 0], tsne[:, 1], c=cmap(tmp_colorandum), **kwarg_plot) plt.axis("off") plt.title(f"{gene_name}")
[docs] def plot_expression_as_color(self, gene_name: str=None, imputed: bool= True, cmap: Any=, gs: Any=None, which_tsne: str="ts", **kwargs: Dict) -> None: """Plot expression as color on the Tsne embedding Arguments --------- gene_name: str The name of the gene, should be present in self.S imputed: bool, default=True whether to plot the smoothed or the raw data cmap:, Colormap to use. gs: Gridspec subplot Gridspec subplot to plot on. which_tsne: str, default="ts" the name of the attributed where the desired embedding is stored **kwargs: dict other keywords arguments will be passed to the plt.scatter call Returns ------- Nothing """ ix = np.where(self.ra["Gene"] == gene_name)[0][0] kwarg_plot = {"alpha": 0.5, "s": 8, "edgecolor": "0.8", "lw": 0.15} kwarg_plot.update(kwargs) if gs is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) plt.subplot(111) else: plt.subplot(gs) tsne = getattr(self, which_tsne) if imputed: if self.which_S_for_pred == "Sx_sz": tmp_colorandum = self.Sx_sz[ix, :] else: tmp_colorandum = self.Sx[ix, :] else: tmp_colorandum = self.S_sz[ix, :] tmp_colorandum = tmp_colorandum / np.percentile(tmp_colorandum, 99) # tmp_colorandum = np.log2(tmp_colorandum+1) tmp_colorandum = np.clip(tmp_colorandum, 0, 1) scatter_viz(tsne[:, 0], tsne[:, 1], c=cmap(tmp_colorandum), **kwarg_plot) plt.axis("off") plt.title(f"{gene_name}")
[docs] def reload_raw(self, substitute: bool=False) -> None: """Reload raw data as it was before filtering steps Arguments --------- substitute: bool=False if True `S, U, A, ca, ra` will be all overwritten if False `S, U, A, ca, ra` will be loaded separately as `raw_S, raw_U, raw_A, raw_ca, raw_ra` """ if substitute: ds = loompy.connect(self.loom_filepath) self.S = ds.layer["spliced"][:, :] self.U = ds.layer["unspliced"][:, :] self.A = ds.layer["ambiguous"][:, :] self.initial_cell_size = self.S.sum(0) self.initial_Ucell_size = self.U.sum(0) = dict(ds.col_attrs.items()) self.ra = dict(ds.row_attrs.items()) ds.close() else: ds = loompy.connect(self.loom_filepath) self.raw_S = ds.layer["spliced"][:, :] self.raw_U = ds.layer["unspliced"][:, :] self.raw_A = ds.layer["ambiguous"][:, :] self.raw_initial_cell_size = self.raw_S.sum(0) self.raw_initial_Ucell_size = self.raw_U.sum(0) self.raw_ca = dict(ds.col_attrs.items()) self.raw_ra = dict(ds.row_attrs.items()) ds.close()
[docs]def scatter_viz(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """A wrapper of scatter plot that guarantees that every point is visible in a very crowded scatterplot Args ---- x: np.ndarray x axis coordinates y: np.ndarray y axis coordinates args and kwargs: positional and keyword arguments as in matplotplib.pyplot.scatter Returns ------- Plots the graph and returns the axes object """ ix_x_sort = np.argsort(x, kind="mergesort") ix_yx_sort = np.argsort(y[ix_x_sort], kind="mergesort") args_new = [] kwargs_new = {} for arg in args: if type(arg) is np.ndarray: args_new.append(arg[ix_x_sort][ix_yx_sort]) else: args_new.append(arg) for karg, varg in kwargs.items(): if type(varg) is np.ndarray: kwargs_new[karg] = varg[ix_x_sort][ix_yx_sort] else: kwargs_new[karg] = varg ax = plt.scatter(x[ix_x_sort][ix_yx_sort], y[ix_x_sort][ix_yx_sort], *args_new, **kwargs_new) return ax
[docs]def ixs_thatsort_a2b(a: np.ndarray, b: np.ndarray, check_content: bool=True) -> np.ndarray: "This is super duper magic sauce to make the order of one list to be like another" if check_content: assert len(np.intersect1d(a, b)) == len(a), f"The two arrays are not matching" return np.argsort(a)[np.argsort(np.argsort(b))]
colors20 = np.vstack((, 1, 20))[::2],, 1, 20))[1::2]))
[docs]def colormap_fun(x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: return colors20[np.mod(x, 20)]
@jit("float64[:](float64[:], int32[:], int32[:], float64[:])", nopython=True) def _scale_to_match_median(data: np.ndarray, indices: np.ndarray, indptr: np.ndarray, genes_total: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: # Helper function that operates directly on the .data array of a sparse matrix object new_data = np.zeros(data.shape) # Loop through the columns for i in range(genes_total.shape[0]): # Retrieve the values non_zero_genes_total = genes_total[indices[indptr[i]:indptr[i + 1]]] # Find the normalization factor w = np.minimum(1, np.median(non_zero_genes_total) / non_zero_genes_total) new_data[indptr[i]:indptr[i + 1]] = w * data[indptr[i]:indptr[i + 1]] return new_data
[docs]@jit(nopython=True) def numba_random_seed(value: int) -> None: """Same as np.random.seed but for numba""" np.random.seed(value)
[docs]@jit(nopython=True) def permute_rows_nsign(A: np.ndarray) -> None: """Permute in place the entries and randomly switch the sign for each row of a matrix independently. """ plmi = np.array([+1, -1]) for i in range(A.shape[0]): np.random.shuffle(A[i, :]) A[i, :] = A[i, :] * np.random.choice(plmi, size=A.shape[1])
[docs]def scale_to_match_median(sparse_matrix: sparse.csr_matrix, genes_total: np.ndarray) -> sparse.csr_matrix: """Normalize contribution of different neighbor genes to match the median totals Arguments --------- sparse_matrix: sparse.csr_matrix weights matrix genes_total: sparse.csr_matrix shape=(sparse_matrix.shape[0]) array of the total molecules detected for each gene Returns ------- knn_weights: sparse.csr_matrix sparse_matrix after the normalization # NOTE, since the use I made of this later I could have changed sparse_matrix in place """ newdata = _scale_to_match_median(, sparse_matrix.indices, sparse_matrix.indptr, genes_total) return sparse.csc_matrix((newdata, sparse_matrix.indices, sparse_matrix.indptr), shape=sparse_matrix.shape, copy=True)
[docs]def gaussian_kernel(X: np.ndarray, mu: float=0, sigma: float=1) -> np.ndarray: """Compute gaussian kernel""" return np.exp(-(X - mu)**2 / (2 * sigma**2)) / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * sigma**2)
[docs]def load_velocyto_hdf5(filename: str) -> VelocytoLoom: """Loads a Velocyto loom object from an hdf5 file Arguments --------- filename: str The name of the serialized file Returns ------- A VelocytoLoom object Note ---- The hdf5 file must have been created using ``VelocytoLoom.to_hdf5`` or the ``dump_hdf5`` function """ return load_hdf5(filename, obj_class=VelocytoLoom)