Source code for velocyto.diffusion

import logging
from typing import *
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
from scipy.stats import norm
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize

[docs]class Diffusion: def __init__(self) -> None: pass
[docs] def compute_transition_matrix2(self, x0: np.ndarray, v: np.ndarray, sigma: float = 0.0, reverse: bool = False) -> sparse.csr_matrix: """ Compute a right-stochastic matrix representing transition probabilities from each node Args: x0 Embedding positions (n_cells, n_dims) v Velocities on the embedding (n_cells, n_dims sigma The kernel size reverse Compute the reverse transition matrix (for backwards diffusion) Remarks: Computes a Markov transition matrix for the KNN graph. The probability of transition along an edge is proportional to the scalar projection of the velocity vector onto that edge, times the reciprocal of the edge length. Edges that get negative scalar projections are clipped to zero and the total non-zero outgoing edges are normalized to a sum of 1.0. """ n_cells = x0.shape[0] n_neighbors = 20 # project into the past or future if reverse: x1 = x0 - v else: x1 = x0 + v # Find nearest neighbors nn = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=n_neighbors, algorithm="auto", n_jobs=4) (dists, nearest) = # These are shaped (n_cells, n_neighbors), but we flatten them dists = dists.reshape(n_cells * n_neighbors) nearest = nearest.reshape(n_cells * n_neighbors) # Calculate transition probabilities probs = norm.pdf(dists, 0, sigma) # Make a sparse transition matrix cells = np.repeat(np.arange(n_cells), n_neighbors) tr = sparse.coo_matrix((probs, (cells, nearest)), shape=(n_cells, n_cells)) # Make it right stochastic tr = normalize(tr.tocsr(), axis=1, norm='l1') return tr
[docs] def compute_transition_matrix(self, knn: sparse.coo_matrix, x: np.ndarray, v: np.ndarray, epsilon: float = 0.0, reverse: bool = False) -> sparse.csr_matrix: """ Compute a right-stochastic matrix representing transition probabilities from each node Args: knn KNN graph (n_cells, n_cells) x Embedding positions (n_cells, n_dims) v Velocities on the embedding (n_cells, n_dims) reverse Compute the reverse transition matrix (for backwards diffusion) Remarks: Computes a Markov transition matrix for the KNN graph. The probability of transition along an edge is proportional to the scalar projection of the velocity vector onto that edge, times the reciprocal of the edge length. Edges that get negative scalar projections are clipped to zero and the total non-zero outgoing edges are normalized to a sum of 1.0. """ # vertices for each edge knn = knn.tocoo() (v0, v1) = (knn.row, knn.col) # calculate edge unit vectors uv = x[v1] - x[v0] # Vector corresponding to an edge from v0 to v1, shape (n_edges, n_dims) norms = np.linalg.norm(uv, axis=1) uv = uv / norms[:, None] # Convert to unit vector # Project the velocity vectors onto edges, and clip to zero scalar_projection = np.array([ for a, b in zip(v[v0], uv)]) # Shape: (n_edges) if reverse: scalar_projection = -scalar_projection scalar_projection += epsilon # scalar_projection += scalar_projection.min() np.clip(scalar_projection, a_min=0, a_max=None, out=scalar_projection) # Calculate transition probabilities p = scalar_projection * (1 / norms) tr = normalize(sparse.coo_matrix((p, (v0, v1))).tocsr(), axis=1, norm='l1') return tr
[docs] def diffuse(self, x: np.ndarray, tr: sparse.csr_matrix, n_steps: int = 10, mode: str = 'path_integral') -> Any: result = np.zeros(x.shape) if mode == 'path_integral': x = sparse.csr_matrix(x / x.sum()) for ix in range(n_steps): x = result = result + x return result elif mode == 'time_evolution': x = sparse.csr_matrix(x / x.sum()) for ix in range(n_steps): x = return x.toarray() elif mode == 'map_trajectory': x = sparse.csr_matrix(x / x.sum()) result = [np.argmax(x.toarray())] for ix in range(n_steps): x = result.append(np.argmax(x.toarray())) return result elif mode == 'frontier': x = sparse.csr_matrix(x / x.sum()) result = [np.argmax(x.toarray())] for ix in range(n_steps): x_next = result.append(np.argmax((x_next.toarray() + 1) / (x.toarray() + 1))) x = x_next return result elif mode == 'trajectory': node = np.random.choice(np.arange(x.shape[0]), p=x) trajectories = [node] for ix in range(n_steps): x = np.zeros(tr.shape[0]) x[node] = 1 x = sparse.csr_matrix(x) x_next = x_next = normalize(x_next, norm='l1')[0] if x_next.sum() == 0: x_next = x.toarray()[0] node = np.random.choice(np.arange(x_next.shape[0]), p=x_next) trajectories.append(node) x = x_next return trajectories