import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize
from scipy import sparse
import logging
from typing import *
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
from .speedboosted import _colDeltaCor, _colDeltaCorLog10, _colDeltaCorSqrt
from .speedboosted import _colDeltaCorpartial, _colDeltaCorLog10partial, _colDeltaCorSqrtpartial
[docs]def colDeltaCor(emat: np.ndarray, dmat: np.ndarray, threads: int=None) -> np.ndarray:
"""Calculate the correlation between the displacement (d[:,i])
and the difference between a cell and every other (e - e[:, i])
Parallel cython+OpenMP implemetation
emat: np.ndarray (ngenes, ncells)
gene expression matrix
dmat: np.ndarray (ngenes, ncells)
gene velocity/displacement matrix
threads: int
number of parallel threads to use
import multiprocessing
if threads is None:
num_threads = int(multiprocessing.cpu_count() / 2)
num_threads = max(threads, multiprocessing.cpu_count())
out = np.zeros((emat.shape[1], emat.shape[1]))
_colDeltaCor(emat, dmat, out, num_threads)
return out
[docs]def colDeltaCorpartial(emat: np.ndarray, dmat: np.ndarray, ixs: np.ndarray, threads: int=None) -> np.ndarray:
"""Calculate the correlation between the displacement (d[:,i])
and the difference between a cell and every other (e - e[:, i])
Parallel cython+OpenMP implemetation
emat: np.ndarray (ngenes, ncells)
gene expression matrix
dmat: np.ndarray (ngenes, ncells)
gene velocity/displacement matrix
ixs: the neighborhood matrix (ncells, nneighbours)
ixs[i, k] is the kth neighbour to the cell i
threads: int
number of parallel threads to use
import multiprocessing
if threads is None:
num_threads = int(multiprocessing.cpu_count() / 2)
num_threads = max(threads, multiprocessing.cpu_count())
out = np.zeros((emat.shape[1], emat.shape[1]))
emat = np.require(emat, requirements="C")
ixs = np.require(ixs, requirements="C").astype(np.intp)
_colDeltaCorpartial(emat, dmat, out, ixs, num_threads)
return out
[docs]def colDeltaCorLog10(emat: np.ndarray, dmat: np.ndarray, threads: int=None, psc: float=1.0) -> np.ndarray:
"""Calculate the correlation between the displacement (d[:,i])
and the difference between a cell and every other (e - e[:, i])
Parallel cython+OpenMP implemetation
emat: np.ndarray (ngenes, ncells)
gene expression matrix
dmat: np.ndarray (ngenes, ncells)
gene velocity/displacement matrix
threads: int
number of parallel threads to use
import multiprocessing
if threads is None:
num_threads = int(multiprocessing.cpu_count() / 2)
num_threads = max(threads, multiprocessing.cpu_count())
out = np.zeros((emat.shape[1], emat.shape[1]))
_colDeltaCorLog10(emat, dmat, out, num_threads, psc)
return out
[docs]def colDeltaCorLog10partial(emat: np.ndarray, dmat: np.ndarray, ixs: np.ndarray, threads: int=None, psc: float=1.0) -> np.ndarray:
"""Calculate the correlation between the displacement (d[:,i])
and the difference between a cell and every other (e - e[:, i])
Parallel cython+OpenMP implemetation
emat: np.ndarray (ngenes, ncells)
gene expression matrix
dmat: np.ndarray (ngenes, ncells)
gene velocity/displacement matrix
ixs: the neighborhood matrix (ncells, nneighbours)
ixs[i, k] is the kth neighbour to the cell i
threads: int
number of parallel threads to use
import multiprocessing
if threads is None:
num_threads = int(multiprocessing.cpu_count() / 2)
num_threads = max(threads, multiprocessing.cpu_count())
out = np.zeros((emat.shape[1], emat.shape[1]))
emat = np.require(emat, requirements="C")
ixs = np.require(ixs, requirements="C").astype(np.intp)
_colDeltaCorLog10partial(emat, dmat, out, ixs, num_threads, psc)
return out
[docs]def colDeltaCorSqrt(emat: np.ndarray, dmat: np.ndarray, threads: int=None, psc: float=0.0) -> np.ndarray:
"""Calculate the correlation between the displacement (d[:,i])
and the difference between a cell and every other (e - e[:, i])
Parallel cython+OpenMP implemetation
emat: np.ndarray (ngenes, ncells)
gene expression matrix
dmat: np.ndarray (ngenes, ncells)
gene velocity/displacement matrix
threads: int
number of parallel threads to use
import multiprocessing
if threads is None:
num_threads = int(multiprocessing.cpu_count() / 2)
num_threads = max(threads, multiprocessing.cpu_count())
out = np.zeros((emat.shape[1], emat.shape[1]))
_colDeltaCorSqrt(emat, dmat, out, num_threads, psc)
return out
[docs]def colDeltaCorSqrtpartial(emat: np.ndarray, dmat: np.ndarray, ixs: np.ndarray, threads: int=None, psc: float=0.0) -> np.ndarray:
"""Calculate the correlation between the displacement (d[:,i])
and the difference between a cell and every other (e - e[:, i])
Parallel cython+OpenMP implemetation
emat: np.ndarray (ngenes, ncells)
gene expression matrix
dmat: np.ndarray (ngenes, ncells)
gene velocity/displacement matrix
ixs: the neighborhood matrix (ncells, nneighbours)
ixs[i, k] is the kth neighbour to the cell i
threads: int
number of parallel threads to use
import multiprocessing
if threads is None:
num_threads = int(multiprocessing.cpu_count() / 2)
num_threads = max(threads, multiprocessing.cpu_count())
out = np.zeros((emat.shape[1], emat.shape[1]))
emat = np.require(emat, requirements="C")
ixs = np.require(ixs, requirements="C").astype(np.intp)
_colDeltaCorSqrtpartial(emat, dmat, out, ixs, num_threads, psc)
return out
def _fit1_slope(y: np.ndarray, x: np.ndarray) -> float:
"""Simple function that fit a linear regression model without intercept
if not np.any(x):
m = np.NAN # It is definetelly not at steady state!!!
elif not np.any(y):
m = 0
result, rnorm = scipy.optimize.nnls(x[:, None], y) # Fastest but costrains result >= 0
m = result[0]
# Second fastest: m, _ = scipy.optimize.leastsq(lambda m: x*m - y, x0=(0,))
# Third fastest: m = scipy.optimize.minimize_scalar(lambda m: np.sum((x*m - y)**2 )).x
# Before I was doinf fastest: scipy.optimize.minimize_scalar(lambda m: np.sum((y - m * x)**2), bounds=(0, 3), method="bounded").x
# Optionally one could clip m if high value make no sense
# m = np.clip(m,0,3)
return m
def _fit1_slope_weighted(y: np.ndarray, x: np.ndarray, w: np.ndarray, limit_gamma: bool=False, bounds: Tuple[float, float]=(0, 20)) -> float:
"""Simple function that fit a weighted linear regression model without intercept
if not np.any(x):
m = np.NAN # It is definetelly not at steady state!!!
elif not np.any(y):
m = 0
if limit_gamma:
if np.median(y) > np.median(x):
high_x = x > np.percentile(x, 90)
up_gamma = np.percentile(y[high_x], 10) / np.median(x[high_x])
up_gamma = np.maximum(1.5, up_gamma)
up_gamma = 1.5 # Just a bit more than 1
m = scipy.optimize.minimize_scalar(lambda m: np.sum(w * (x * m - y)**2), bounds=(1e-8, up_gamma), method="bounded").x
m = scipy.optimize.minimize_scalar(lambda m: np.sum(w * (x * m - y)**2), bounds=bounds, method="bounded").x
return m
def _fit1_slope_weighted_offset(y: np.ndarray, x: np.ndarray, w: np.ndarray, fixperc_q: bool=False, limit_gamma: bool=False) -> Tuple[float, float]:
"""Function that fits a weighted linear regression model with intercept
with some adhoc
if not np.any(x):
m = (np.NAN, 0) # It is definetelly not at steady state!!!
elif not np.any(y):
m = (0, 0)
if fixperc_q:
m1 = np.percentile(y[x <= np.percentile(x, 1)], 50)
m0 = scipy.optimize.minimize_scalar(lambda m: np.sum(w * (x * m - y + m1)**2), bounds=(0, 20), method="bounded").x
m = (m0, m1)
# m, _ = scipy.optimize.leastsq(lambda m: np.sqrt(w) * (-y + x * m[0] + m[1]), x0=(0, 0)) # This is probably faster but it can have negative slope
# NOTE: The up_gamma is to deal with cases where consistently y > x. Those should have positive velocity everywhere
if limit_gamma:
if np.median(y) > np.median(x):
high_x = x > np.percentile(x, 90)
up_gamma = np.percentile(y[high_x], 10) / np.median(x[high_x])
up_gamma = np.maximum(1.5, up_gamma)
up_gamma = 1.5 # Just a bit more than 1
up_gamma = 20
up_q = 2 * np.sum(y * w) / np.sum(w)
m = scipy.optimize.minimize(lambda m: np.sum(w * (-y + x * m[0] + m[1])**2),
x0=(0.1, 1e-16), method="L-BFGS-B",
bounds=[(1e-8, up_gamma), (0, up_q)]).x # If speedup is needed either the gradient or numexpr could be used
return m[0], m[1]
def _fit1_slope_offset(y: np.ndarray, x: np.ndarray, fixperc_q: bool=False) -> Tuple[float, float]:
"""Simple function that fit a linear regression model with intercept
if not np.any(x):
m = (np.NAN, 0) # It is definetelly not at steady state!!!
elif not np.any(y):
m = (0, 0)
# result, rnorm = scipy.optimize.nnls(x[:, None], y) # Fastest but costrains result >= 0
# m = result[0]
if fixperc_q:
m1 = np.percentile(y[x <= np.percentile(x, 1)], 50)
m0 = scipy.optimize.minimize_scalar(lambda m: np.sum((x * m - y + m1)**2), bounds=(0, 20), method="bounded").x
m = (m0, m1)
m, _ = scipy.optimize.leastsq(lambda m: -y + x * m[0] + m[1], x0=(0, 0))
# Third fastest: m = scipy.optimize.minimize_scalar(lambda m: np.sum((x*m - y)**2 )).x
# Before I was doinf fastest: scipy.optimize.minimize_scalar(lambda m: np.sum((y - m * x)**2), bounds=(0, 3), method="bounded").x
# Optionally one could clip m if high value make no sense
# m = np.clip(m,0,3)
return m[0], m[1]
[docs]def fit_slope(Y: np.ndarray, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Loop through the genes and fits the slope
Y: np.ndarray, shape=(genes, cells)
the dependent variable (unspliced)
X: np.ndarray, shape=(genes, cells)
the independent variable (spliced)
# NOTE this could be easily parallelized
slopes = np.fromiter((_fit1_slope(Y[i, :], X[i, :]) for i in range(Y.shape[0])),
return slopes
[docs]def fit_slope_offset(Y: np.ndarray, X: np.ndarray, fixperc_q: bool=False) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Loop through the genes and fits the slope
Y: np.ndarray, shape=(genes, cells)
the dependent variable (unspliced)
X: np.ndarray, shape=(genes, cells)
the independent variable (spliced)
# NOTE this could be easily parallelized
slopes = np.zeros(Y.shape[0], dtype="float32")
offsets = np.zeros(Y.shape[0], dtype="float32")
for i in range(Y.shape[0]):
m, q = _fit1_slope_offset(Y[i, :], X[i, :], fixperc_q)
slopes[i] = m
offsets[i] = q
return slopes, offsets
[docs]def fit_slope_weighted(Y: np.ndarray, X: np.ndarray, W: np.ndarray, return_R2: bool=False, limit_gamma: bool=False, bounds: Tuple[float, float]=(0, 20)) -> np.ndarray:
"""Loop through the genes and fits the slope
Y: np.ndarray, shape=(genes, cells)
the dependent variable (unspliced)
X: np.ndarray, shape=(genes, cells)
the independent variable (spliced)
W: np.ndarray, shape=(genes, cells)
the weights that will scale the square residuals
# NOTE this could be easily parallelized
# slopes = np.fromiter((_fit1_slope_weighted(Y[i, :], X[i, :], W[i, :], bounds=bounds) for i in range(Y.shape[0])),
# dtype="float32",
# count=Y.shape[0])
slopes = np.zeros(Y.shape[0], dtype="float32")
offsets = np.zeros(Y.shape[0], dtype="float32")
if return_R2:
R2 = np.zeros(Y.shape[0], dtype="float32")
for i in range(Y.shape[0]):
m = _fit1_slope_weighted(Y[i, :], X[i, :], W[i, :], limit_gamma)
slopes[i] = m
if return_R2:
# NOTE: the coefficient of determination is not weighted but the fit is
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
SSres = np.sum((m * X[i, :] - Y[i, :])**2)
SStot = np.sum((Y[i, :].mean() - Y[i, :])**2)
_R2 = 1 - (SSres / SStot)
if np.isfinite(_R2):
R2[i] = _R2
R2[i] = -1e16
if return_R2:
return slopes, R2
return slopes
[docs]def fit_slope_weighted_offset(Y: np.ndarray, X: np.ndarray, W: np.ndarray, fixperc_q: bool=False, return_R2: bool=True, limit_gamma: bool=False) -> Any:
"""Loop through the genes and fits the slope
Y: np.ndarray, shape=(genes, cells)
the dependent variable (unspliced)
X: np.ndarray, shape=(genes, cells)
the independent variable (spliced)
# NOTE this could be easily parallelized
slopes = np.zeros(Y.shape[0], dtype="float32")
offsets = np.zeros(Y.shape[0], dtype="float32")
if return_R2:
R2 = np.zeros(Y.shape[0], dtype="float32")
for i in range(Y.shape[0]):
m, q = _fit1_slope_weighted_offset(Y[i, :], X[i, :], W[i, :], fixperc_q, limit_gamma)
slopes[i] = m
offsets[i] = q
if return_R2:
# NOTE: the coefficient of determination is not weighted but the fit is
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
SSres = np.sum((m * X[i, :] + q - Y[i, :])**2)
SStot = np.sum((Y[i, :].mean() - Y[i, :])**2)
_R2 = 1 - (SSres / SStot)
if np.isfinite(_R2):
R2[i] = _R2
R2[i] = -1e16
if return_R2:
return slopes, offsets, R2
return slopes, offsets
[docs]def clusters_stats(U: np.ndarray, S: np.ndarray,
clusters_uid: np.ndarray, cluster_ix: np.ndarray,
size_limit: int=40) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Calculate the averages per cluster
If the cluster is too small (size<size_limit) the average of the toal is reported instead
U_avgs = np.zeros((S.shape[0], len(clusters_uid)))
S_avgs = np.zeros((S.shape[0], len(clusters_uid)))
avgU_div_avgS = np.zeros((S.shape[0], len(clusters_uid)))
slopes_by_clust = np.zeros((S.shape[0], len(clusters_uid)))
for i, uid in enumerate(clusters_uid):
cluster_filter = cluster_ix == i
n_cells = np.sum(cluster_filter)"Cluster: {uid} ({n_cells} cells)")
if n_cells > size_limit:
U_avgs[:, i], S_avgs[:, i] = U[:, cluster_filter].mean(1), S[:, cluster_filter].mean(1)
U_avgs[:, i], S_avgs[:, i] = U.mean(1), S.mean(1)
return U_avgs, S_avgs