CLI Usage Guide


After you have velocyto correctly installed on your machine (see installation tutorial) the velocyto command will become available in the terminal. velocyto is a command line tool with subcomands. You can get quick info on all the available commands typing velocyto --help. You will get the following output:

Usage: velocyto [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

          --version  Show the version and exit.
          --help     Show this message and exit.

          run            Runs the velocity analysis outputting a loom file
          run10x         Runs the velocity analysis for a Chromium Sample
          run-dropest    Runs the velocity analysis on DropEst preprocessed data
          run-smartseq2  Runs the velocity analysis on SmartSeq2 data (independent bam file per cell)
          tools          helper tools for velocyto

More detailed information can be obtained using --help for each subcommand (by typing velocyto COMMANDNAME --help).

Alternatively you can visit the online api description page that includes usage information for all the subcommands.


Download genome annotation file

Download a genome annotation (.gtf file) for example from GENCODE or Ensembl. If you use the cellranger pipeline, you should download the gtf that comes prepackaged with it here.

Download expressed repeats annotation


This step is optional.

You might want to mask expressed repetitive elements, since those count could constitute a confounding factor in the downstream analysis. To do so you would need to download an appropriate expressed repeat annotation (for example from UCSC genome browser and make sure to select GTF as output format).

Running velocyto

The general purpose command to run the read counting pipeline is velocyto run. However, for some of the most commonly used scRNA-seq chemistries, we provide a set of ready-to-use subcommands. The currently available are: run10x, run_smartseq2, run_dropest These subcommands are just wrappers of the main command velocyto run. They take care of passing the appropriate options for each technology; furthermore they performa a minimal check the inputs provided make sense and some of them infer the path of some of the input files.

Please regard these subcommands as the recommended and easiest way to run velocyto, especially if you are unsure of all the options to pass to velocyto run. For more flexibility and advanced usage, velocyto run should be used directly. Furthermore, to adapt velocyto to custom/new techniques the user may want to consider modification of the counting pipeline, this does not require deep rewrite of the internals but just the creation of a new logic, for more information consult the section about the Logic interface API.

We will now describe the use of the technique specific subcommands. If you are interested in running velocyto with only one technique you can directly jump to that section without loss of information (this also means that some of the information will be repeated).

run10x - Run on 10X Chromium samples

velocyto includes a shortcut to run the counting directly on one or more cellranger output folders (e.g. this is the folder containing the subfolder: outs, outs/analys and outs/filtered_gene_bc_matrices).

The full signature of the command is:


          Runs the velocity analysis for a Chromium 10X Sample

          10XSAMPLEFOLDER specifies the cellranger sample folder

          GTFFILE genome annotation file

          -s, --metadatatable FILE        Table containing metadata of the various samples (csv fortmated rows are samples and cols are entries)
          -m, --mask FILE                 .gtf file containing intervals to mask
          -l, --logic TEXT                The logic to use for the filtering (default: Default)
          -M, --multimap                  Consider not unique mappings (not reccomended)
          -@, --samtools-threads INTEGER  The number of threads to use to sort the bam by cellID file using samtools
          --samtools-memory INTEGER       The number of MB used for every thread by samtools to sort the bam file
          -t, --dtype TEXT                The dtype of the loom file layers - if more than 6000 molecules/reads per gene per cell are expected set uint32 to avoid truncation (default run_10x: uint16)
          -d, --dump TEXT                 For debugging purposes only: it will dump a molecular mapping report to hdf5. --dump N, saves a cell every N cells. If p is prepended a more complete (but huge) pickle report is printed (default: 0)
          -v, --verbose                   Set the vebosity level: -v (only warinings) -vv (warinings and info) -vvv (warinings, info and debug)
          --help                          Show this message and exit.

For example if we want to run the pipeline on the cellranger output folder mypath/sample01. We would do:

velocyto run10x -m repeat_msk.gtf mypath/sample01 somepath/refdata-cellranger-mm10-1.2.0/genes/genes.gtf

Where genes.gtf is the genome annotation file provided with the cellranger pipeline. repeat_msk.gtf is the repeat masker file described in the Preparation section above.


Execution time is ~3h for a typical sample but might vary significantly by sequencing depth and cpu power.

run_smartseq2 - Run on SmartSeq2 samples

velocyto includes a shortcut to perform the read counting for UMI-less, not stranded, full-length techniques such as SmartSeq2.

The full signature of the command is:

Typically SmartSeq2 bam files are generated and organized by well/cell in a folder structure similar to the following


For this reason, run_smartseq2 command accepts multiple inputs so that all the files can be analyzed in one run and all output stored in a single .loom file. For example if we want to run the pipeline on a SmartSeq2 plate whose folder structure is organized as above we would just use wild-card (glob) expansion as follows.

velocyto run_smartseq2 -o OUTPUT -m repeat_msk.gtf -e MyTissue plateX/*/*.bam mm10_annotation.gtf

Where mm10_annotation.gtf and repeat_msk.gtf are the genome annotation and repeat masker files described in the Preparation section above. Finally note that the output .loom file in that case will have an extra layer “spanning”.


The input bam files need to be sorted by position, if this is not already the case, this is simply achieved running samtools sort A01.bam -o sorted_A01.bam.


Execution time might vary significantly by sequencing depth and cpu power but usually does not exceed the 6h for a typical sample

run_dropest - Run on DropSeq, InDrops and other techniques

velocyto includes a shortcut to perform molecule counting on all the techniques supported by the DropEst pipeline, this includes different versions of DropSeq and InDrops. This is particularly convenient since the output from the pipeline is similar for different techniques allowing the use of a single command.


If you prefer using another pipeline or technique not supported by DropEst, note that you can still use the core command velocyto run but no shortcut is provided yet. We are eager to work with implement more shortcut for other pipelines and techniques (please contact us if you are the developer or can help us integrate velocyto seamlessly in other pipelines).

The full signature of the command is:

Let’s start with a full example including the steps to run DropEst correctly. Explaining how to run DropEst is outside the scope of this documentation. For more information on installation and usage of DropEst refer to its documentation. I will assume I am analyzing an InDrops sample downloaded from SRA.

First of all set 10 as minimum barcode quality. Then I start by calling the droptag command as follows:

./droptag -c ./configs/indrop_v1_2.xml ~/mydata/SRR5945694_2.fastq.gz ~/mydata/SRR5945694_1.fastq.gz


STAR --genomeDir ~/cellranger/refdata-cellranger-mm10-1.2.0/star/ \
       --readFilesIn SRR5945695_1.fastq.gz.tagged.1.fastq.gz,SRR5945695_1.fastq.gz.tagged.2.fastq.gz,SRR5945695_1.fastq.gz.tagged.3.fastq.gz,SRR5945695_1.fastq.gz.tagged.4.fastq.gz,SRR5945695_1.fastq.gz.tagged.5.fastq.gz,SRR5945695_1.fastq.gz.tagged.6.fastq.gz,SRR5945695_1.fastq.gz.tagged.7.fastq.gz,SRR5945695_1.fastq.gz.tagged.8.fastq.gz \
       --outSAMmultNmax 1 \
       --runThreadN 6 \
       --readNameSeparator space \
       --outSAMunmapped Within \
       --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate \
       --outFileNamePrefix SRR5945695_1 \
       --readFilesCommand gunzip -c

Note the -m option will read the config_desc.xml file that should have the barcodes_file option correctly selected. For InDrops for example this would be as following:


And then I run DropEst core command:

dropest -m -V -b \
          -o ~/mydata/SRR5945695/SRR5945695_dropEst \
          -g ~/cellranger/refdata-cellranger-mm10-1.2.0/genes/genes.gtf \
          -L eiEIBA \
          -c ~/mysource/dropEst/configs/config_desc.xml \

Then I run velocyto tools dropest_bc_correct with the bamfile as the only argument. This will: (1) Make a new bam with the barcodes substituted with the corrected ones, taking this info from the dropEst R dump (2) Generate the required file containing the allowed barcodes

The bam file outputted by dropEst does not contain error-corrected but raw cell barcodes so we will have to make a new corrected bam file using the information otuputted. (Future version of DropEst will output the error-corrected barcodes).

To do that run:

velocyto tools dropest_bc_correct ~/mydata/SRR5945695_1/SRR5945695_1Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.tagged.bam

Finally I run velocyto:

velocyto run_dropest -o ~/mydata/SRR5945695_results -m rep_mask.gtf ~/mydata/SRR5945695_1/correct_SRR5945695_1Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.tagged.bam mm10_annotation.gtf

run - Run on any technique (Advanced use)

The general signature for the run subcommand is:

Usage: velocyto run [OPTIONS] BAMFILE... GTFFILE

          Runs the velocity analysis outputting a loom file

          BAMFILE bam file with sorted reads

          GTFFILE genome annotation file

          -b, --bcfile FILE               Valid barcodes file, to filter the bam. If --bcfile is not specified all the cell barcodes will be included.
                                          Cell barcodes should be specified in the bcfile as the `CB` tag for each read
          -o, --outputfolder PATH         Output folder, if it does not exist it will be created.
          -e, --sampleid PATH             The sample name that will be used to retrieve informations from metadatatable
          -s, --metadatatable FILE        Table containing metadata of the various samples (csv formatted, rows are samples and cols are entries)
          -m, --mask FILE                 .gtf file containing intervals to mask
          -c, --onefilepercell            If this flag is used every bamfile passed is interpreted as an independent cell, otherwise multiple files are interpreted as batch of different cells to be analyzed together.
                                          Important: cells reads should not be distributed over multiple bamfiles is not supported!!
                                          (default: off)
          -l, --logic TEXT                The logic to use for the filtering (default: Default)
          -U, --without-umi               If this flag is used the data is assumed UMI-less and reads are counted instead of molecules (default: off)
          -u, --umi-extension TEXT        In case UMI is too short to guarantee uniqueness (without information from the ampping) set this parameter to `chr`, `Gene` ro `[N]bp`
                                          If set to `chr` the mapping position (binned to 10Gb intervals) will be appended to `UB` (ideal for InDrops+dropEst). If set to
                                          `Gene` then the `GX` tag will be appended to the `UB` tag.
                                          If set to `[N]bp` the first N bases of the sequence will be used to extend `UB` (ideal for STRT). (Default: `no`)
          -M, --multimap                  Consider not unique mappings (not reccomended)
          -@, --samtools-threads INTEGER  The number of threads to use to sort the bam by cellID file using samtools
          --samtools-memory INTEGER       The number of MB used for every thread by samtools to sort the bam file
          -t, --dtype TEXT                The dtype of the loom file layers - if more than 6000 molecules/reads per gene per cell are expected set uint32 to avoid truncation (default run: uint32)
          -d, --dump TEXT                 For debugging purposes only: it will dump a molecular mapping report to hdf5. --dump N, saves a cell every N cells. If p is prepended a more complete (but huge) pickle report is printed (default: 0)
          -v, --verbose                   Set the vebosity level: -v (only warnings) -vv (warnings and info) -vvv (warnings, info and debug)
          --help                          Show this message and exit.

A typical use of run is:

velocyto run -b filtered_barcodes.tsv -o output_path -m repeat_msk_srt.gtf possorted_genome_bam.bam mm10_annotation.gtf


The input bam file needs to be sorted by position, this can be achieved running samtools sort mybam.bam -o sorted_bam.bam. In cellranger generated bamfiles are already sorted this way.


Execution time is ~3h for a typical sample but might vary significantly by sequencing depth and cpu power.


Running velocyto without specifying a filtered barcode set (-b/--bcfile option) is not recommended, do it at your own risk. In this way, the counter will use all the cell barcodes it encounters. It might result in long runtimes, large memory allocations and big output matrix.

Notes on first runtime and parallelization

As one of its first steps velocyto run will try to create a copy of the input .bam files sorted by cell-barcode. The sorted .bam file will be placed in the same directory as the original file and it will be named cellsorted_[ORIGINALBAMNAME]. The sorting procedure uses samtools sort and it is expected to be time consumning, because of this, the procedurre is perfomed in parellel by default. It is possible to control this parallelization using the parameters --samtools-threads and --samtools-memory.


If the file cellsorted_[ORIGINALBAMNAME] exists, the sorting procedure will be skipped and the file present will be used.


Most of the velocyto pipeline is single threaded and several instances can be run on the same multicore machine to process your samples in a time effective way. However, because of the above mentioned multithreaded call to samtools sort, running several instances of veloctyo run might end up using the memory and cpu of your system and possibly result in runtime errors. Therefore for batch jobs we suggest to first call samtools sort -t CB -O BAM -o cellsorted_possorted_genome_bam.bam possorted_genome_bam.bam sequentially and only then running velocyto

Run with different logics

The rules used to call spliced, unspliced and ambiguous molecules from the reads mappings can be set using the --logic parameter. The behavior of the counter can be modified using one of the different logics supported. Every logic has a different sensitivity. The currently available are:

  • Default
  • SmartSeq2
  • ValidatedIntrons10X
  • Stricter10X
  • ObservedSpanning10X

Despite some of the names (that is kept for backwards compatibility and designates their original design for the 10X platform) the logics are tested and work for similar chemistries (e.g. InDrops).


Custom logics supporting peculiarities of other chemistries can be implemented simply by creating a class that inherits from Logic.

Requirements on the input files

velocyto assumes that the bam file that is passed to the CLI contains a set of information and that some upstream analysis was performed on them already. In particular the bam file will have to:

  1. Be sorted by mapping position.
  2. Represents either a single sample (multiple cells prepared using a certain barcode set in a single experiment) or single cell.
  3. Contain an error corrected cell barcodes as a TAG named CB or XC.
  4. Contain an error corrected molecular barcodes as a TAG named UB or XM.


For SmartSeq2 bam files (3) and (4) are not required because it consists of one bam file per cell and no umi are present.

velocyto assumes that the gtf file follows the GENCODE gtf format description. However some mandatory field are relaxed to extend compatibility to a wider set of gtf files. In particular the gtf file will have to:

  1. Contain the 3rd column entry feature-type. Note that only the exon entry of the gtf file marked as exon`in this column will be considered and therefore the requirements below only apply to the ``exon` labeled lines.
  2. Contain, in the 9th column, the key-value pair transcript_id, containing an unique identified for the transcript model.
  3. Contain, in the 9th column, the key-value pair transcript_name (Optional, if not present it will be set to the value of transcript_id)
  4. Contain, in the 9th column, the key-value pair gene_id, containing an unique identified for the gene.
  5. Contain, in the 9th column, the key-value pair gene_name (Optional, if not present it will be set to the value of gene_id)
  6. Contain, in the 9th column, the key-value pair exon_number (Recommended but optional, if not provided velocyto will sort exons in memory and number them)


Annotation of artificial chromosomes such as the ones generated to count ERCC spikes or transgenes (GFP, Tomato, etc.) need also to contain the information above.

About the output .loom file

The main result file is a 4-layered loom file : sample_id.loom.

A valid .loom file is simply an HDF5 file that contains specific groups representing the main matrix as well as row and column attributes. Because of this, .loom files can be created and read by any language that supports HDF5.

.loom files can be easily handled using the loompy package.

Merging multiple samples/lanes in a single file

The merging of different samples/lanes in the same loom file can be performed simply using the loompy library. This is usually just a single line:

loompy.combine(files, output_filename, key="Accession")

or if you want more control on the exact memory that is allocated or subset your data before merging you can do something like:

files = ["file1.loom","file2.loom","file3.loom","file4.loom"]
# on the command line do: cp file1.loom merged.loom
ds = loompy.connect("merged.loom")
for fn in files[1:]:
    ds.add_loom(fn, batch_size=1000)

Get started with the analysis

At this point you are ready to start analyzing your .loom file. To get started read our analysis tutorial and have a look at the notebooks examples.