Source code for velocyto.feature

from typing import *
from collections import defaultdict
import logging
import velocyto as vcy

[docs]class Feature: """A simple class representing an annotated genomic feature (e.g. exon, intron, masked repeat)""" __slots__ = ["start", "end", "kind", "exin_no", "is_validated", "transcript_model"] def __init__(self, start: int, end: int, kind: int, exin_no: str, transcript_model: Any=None) -> None: self.start = start self.end = end self.transcript_model = transcript_model self.kind = kind # it should be ord("e"), ord("i"), ord("m"), .... self.exin_no = int(exin_no) self.is_validated = False def __lt__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if self.start == other.start: return self.end < other.end return self.start < other.start def __gt__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if self.start == other.start: return self.end > other.end return self.start > other.start def __len__(self) -> int: return (self.end - self.start) + 1 def __repr__(self) -> str: if self.transcript_model is None: return f"Feature not linked to Transcript Model: {self.start}-{self.end} {chr(self.kind)}{self.exin_no}" return f"Feature: chr{self.transcript_model.chromstrand}:{self.start}-{self.end} {self.transcript_model.trname}\ ({self.transcript_model.trid}) {chr(self.kind)}{self.exin_no} {self.transcript_model.genename}({self.transcript_model.geneid})" @property def is_last_3prime(self) -> bool: if self.transcript_model.chromstrand[-1] == "+": return self == self.transcript_model.list_features[-1] else: return self == self.transcript_model.list_features[0]
[docs] def get_downstream_exon(self) -> Any: """To use only for introns. Returns the vcy.Feature corresponding to the neighbour exon downstream Note ---- In a 15 exons transcript model: Downstream to intron10 is exon11 or the interval with index `20` if strand "+". Downtream to intron10 is exon10 or the interval with index `10` if strand "-" """ if self.transcript_model.chromstrand[-1] == "+": ix = self.exin_no * 2 else: # in the case on strand - ix = len(self.transcript_model.list_features) - 2 * self.exin_no + 1 return self.transcript_model.list_features[ix]
[docs] def get_upstream_exon(self) -> Any: """To use only for introns. Returns the vcy.Feature corresponding to the neighbour exon downstream Note ---- In a 15 exons transcript model: Upstream to intron10 is exon9 or the interval with inxex `18` if strand "+". Upstream to intron10 is exon11 or the interval with inxex `8` if strand "-" """ if self.transcript_model.chromstrand[-1] == "+": ix = (self.exin_no * 2) - 2 else: # in the case on strand - ix = len(self.transcript_model.list_features) - 2 * self.exin_no - 1 return self.transcript_model.list_features[ix]
# if self.chromstrand[-1] == "+": # intron_number = self.list_features[-1].exin_no # else: # intron_number = self.list_features[-1].exin_no - 1
[docs] def ends_upstream_of(self, read: vcy.Read) -> bool: """The following situation happens Read *|||segment|||-?-||segment|||???????? ???????|||||Ivl|||||||||* """ return self.end < read.pos # NOTE: pos is diffetent from start, consider chagning
[docs] def doesnt_start_after(self, segment: Tuple[int, int]) -> bool: """One of the following situation happens *||||||segment|||||???????? *||||Ivl|||||* *|||||||||||||Ivl||||||||||???????????? *|||||||||||||Ivl||||||||||???????????? *|||||||||||||Ivl||||||||||???????????? """ return self.start < segment[-1]
[docs] def intersects(self, segment: Tuple[int, int], minimum_flanking: int=vcy.MIN_FLANK) -> bool: return (segment[-1] - minimum_flanking > self.start) and\ (segment[0] + minimum_flanking < self.end) # and ((segment[-1] - segment[0]) > minimum_flanking)
[docs] def contains(self, segment: Tuple[int, int], minimum_flanking: int=vcy.MIN_FLANK) -> bool: """One of following situation happens *-----||||||segment|||||-----* *|||||||||||||Ivl||||||||||||||||* *-----||||||segment|||||-----* *|||||||||||||Ivl||||||||||||||||* *-----||||||segment|||||-----* *|||||||||||||Ivl||||||||||||||||* where `---` idicates the minimum flanking """ return (segment[0] + minimum_flanking >= self.start) and (segment[-1] - minimum_flanking <= self.end) and ((segment[-1] - segment[0]) > minimum_flanking)
[docs] def start_overlaps_with_part_of(self, segment: Tuple[int, int], minimum_flanking: int=vcy.MIN_FLANK) -> bool: """The following situation happens *---|||segment||---* *|||||||||||||Ivl||||||||||||||||* where `---` idicates the minimum flanking """ return (segment[0] + minimum_flanking < self.start) and (segment[-1] - minimum_flanking > self.start)
[docs] def end_overlaps_with_part_of(self, segment: Tuple[int, int], minimum_flanking: int=vcy.MIN_FLANK) -> bool: """The following situation happens *---|||segment||---* *|||||||||||||Ivl||||||||||||||||* where `---` idicates the minimum flanking """ return (segment[0] + minimum_flanking < self.end) and (segment[-1] - minimum_flanking > self.end)