CLI Internals

The following page describes the internal API used by the Command Line Pipeline. These functions and objects are not meant for interactive usage. So this page is useful if you want to change the behavior of the molecule counting pipeline.

velocyto.counter module

class velocyto.counter.ExInCounter(sampleid: str, logic: velocyto.logic.Logic, valid_bcset: Set[str] = None, umi_extension: str = 'no', onefilepercell: bool = False, dump_option: str = '0', outputfolder: str = './', loom_numeric_dtype: str = 'uint16')[source]

Bases: object

Main class to do the counting of introns and exons

static parse_cigar_tuple()[source]
peek(bamfile: str, lines: int = 1000) → None[source]

Peeks into the samfile to determine if it is a cellranger or dropseq file

peek_umi_only(bamfile: str, lines: int = 30) → None[source]

Peeks for umi into the samfile to determine if it is a cellranger or dropseq file

iter_alignments(bamfiles: Tuple[str], unique: bool = True, yield_line: bool = False) → Iterable[source]

Iterates over the bam/sam file and yield Read objects

  • bamfiles (Tuple[str]) – path to the bam files
  • unique (bool) – yield only unique alignments
  • yield_line (bool) – whether to yield the raw sam line

  • yields vcy.Read for each valid line of the bam file
  • or a Tuple (vcy.Read, sam_line) if yield_line==True
  • NOTE (At the file change it yields a None)

read_repeats(gtf_file: str, tolerance: int = 5) → Dict[str, List[velocyto.feature.Feature]][source]

Read repeats and merge close ones into highly repetitive areas

  • gtf_file (str) – file to read
  • tolerance (int, default=5) – if two repeats intervals to be masked are found closer than tolerance bases from each other they are fused in one bigger masked interval. Notice that in the downstream analysis only reads that are fall inside mask intervals are discarded

mask_ivls_by_chromstrand – A dictionary key: chromosome+strand value: list of features (repeat intervals) (The reference is returned but an internal attribure self.self.masked_by_chrm_strand is kept)

Return type:

Dict[str, List[vcy.Feature]]

assign_indexes_to_genes(features: Dict[str, velocyto.transcript_model.TranscriptModel]) → None[source]

Assign to each newly encoutered gene an unique index corresponding to the output matrix column ix

read_transcriptmodels(gtf_file: str) → Dict[str, Dict[str, velocyto.transcript_model.TranscriptModel]][source]

Reads transcript models from a sorted .gtf file

Parameters:gtf_file (str) – Path to the sorted gtf file
  • annotations_by_chrm_strand (Dict[str, List[vcy.TrancriptModel]]) – A dictionary key: chromosome+strand value: list of trascript models (The reference is returned but an internal attribure self.annotations_by_chrm_strand is kept)
  • There will exist an object vcy.Features for the same exon appearing in a different vcy.TranscriptModel. (his is desired)
peek_and_correct(gtf_lines: List[str]) → List[str][source]

Look at the first 20 instances of a list of lines of a gtf file to dermine if exon number is specified as it should. If econ number is not contained it will infer the exon number sorting the list by lexicographic ordering tr_id, start, end

Parameters:gtf_lines – a list of the lines of a gtf file
Returns:the same list or the list corrected with added a exon number (filtered to contain only exons)
Return type:gtf_lines
mark_up_introns(bamfile: Tuple[str], multimap: bool) → None[source]

Mark up introns that have reads across exon-intron junctions

  • bamfile (Tuple[str]) – path to the bam files to markup
  • logic (vcy.Logic) – The logic object to use, changes in different techniques / levels of strictness NOTE: Right now it is not used

Return type:

Nothing it just add to validation to the vcy.Features


Situations not considered: # If an the exon is so short that is possible to get both exonA-exonB junction and exonB-intronB boundary in the same read

count(bamfile: Tuple[str], multimap: bool, cell_batch_size: int = 100, molecules_report: bool = False) → Tuple[Dict[str, List[numpy.ndarray]], List[str]][source]

Do the counting of molecules

  • bamfile (str) – path to the bam files to markup
  • cell_batch_size (int, default = 50) – it defines whether to require or not exon-intron spanning read to consider an intron valid.

Return type:

dict_list_arrays, cell_bcs_order


The memory footprint could be reduced allocating scipy sparse arrays

pcount(samfile: str, cell_batch_size: int = 50, molecules_report: bool = False, n_processes: int = 4) → Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, List[str]][source]

Do the counting of molecules in parallel using multiprocessing

pcount_cell_batch() → Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, List[str]][source]

It performs molecule counting for the current batch of cells

velocyto.counter.reverse(strand: str) → str[source]

velocyto.transcript_model module

class velocyto.transcript_model.TranscriptModel(trid: str, trname: str, geneid: str, genename: str, chromstrand: str)[source]

Bases: object

A simple object representing a transcript model as a list of vcy.Feature objects


NOTE – This should be accessed only after the creation of the transcript model is finished (i.e.) after append_exon has been called to add all the exons/introns


NOTE – This should be accessed only after the creation of the transcript model is finished (i.e.) after append_exon has been called to add all the exons/introns

ends_upstream_of(read: → bool[source]
intersects(segment: Tuple[int, int], minimum_flanking: int = 5) → bool[source]
append_exon(exon_feature: velocyto.feature.Feature) → None[source]

Append an exon and create an intron when needed

Parameters:exon_feature (vcy.Feature) – A feature object represneting an exon to add to the transcript model.
chop_if_long_intron(maxlen: int = 1000000) → None[source]

Modify a Transcript model choppin the 5’ region upstram of a very long intron To avoid that extremelly long intron mask the counting of interal genes

Parameters:maxlen (int, default=vcy.LONGEST_INTRON_ALLOWED) – transcript model tha contain one or more intronic interval of len == maxlen will be chopped
  • Nothing it will call _remove_upstream_of or _remove_downstream_of on the transcript model
  • its name will be changed appending _mod to both trid and trname

velocyto.segment_match module

class velocyto.segment_match.SegmentMatch(segment: Tuple[int, int], feature: velocyto.feature.Feature, is_spliced: bool = False)[source]

Bases: object


If the SKIP in the segment matches some extremity of the feature and therefore can be interpreted as a splice event

velocyto.feature module

class velocyto.feature.Feature(start: int, end: int, kind: int, exin_no: str, transcript_model: Any = None)[source]

Bases: object

A simple class representing an annotated genomic feature (e.g. exon, intron, masked repeat)

get_downstream_exon() → Any[source]

To use only for introns. Returns the vcy.Feature corresponding to the neighbour exon downstream


In a 15 exons transcript model: Downstream to intron10 is exon11 or the interval with index 20 if strand “+”. Downtream to intron10 is exon10 or the interval with index 10 if strand “-“

get_upstream_exon() → Any[source]

To use only for introns. Returns the vcy.Feature corresponding to the neighbour exon downstream


In a 15 exons transcript model: Upstream to intron10 is exon9 or the interval with inxex 18 if strand “+”. Upstream to intron10 is exon11 or the interval with inxex 8 if strand “-“

ends_upstream_of(read: → bool[source]
The following situation happens



doesnt_start_after(segment: Tuple[int, int]) → bool[source]

One of the following situation happens

intersects(segment: Tuple[int, int], minimum_flanking: int = 5) → bool[source]
contains(segment: Tuple[int, int], minimum_flanking: int = 5) → bool[source]

One of following situation happens







where idicates the minimum flanking

start_overlaps_with_part_of(segment: Tuple[int, int], minimum_flanking: int = 5) → bool[source]

The following situation happens


where idicates the minimum flanking

end_overlaps_with_part_of(segment: Tuple[int, int], minimum_flanking: int = 5) → bool[source]

The following situation happens



where idicates the minimum flanking

velocyto.indexes module

class velocyto.indexes.TransciptsIndex(trascript_models: List[velocyto.transcript_model.TranscriptModel])[source]

Bases: object


Return false when all the chromosome has been scanned

find_overlapping_trascript_models(read: → Set[velocyto.transcript_model.TranscriptModel][source]

Finds all the Transcript models the Read overlaps with

Parameters:read (vcy.Read) – the read object to be analyzed
Returns:matched_transcripts – TranscriptModel the read is overlapping with and values the kind of overlapping it is one of vcy.MATCH_INSIDE (1), vcy.MATCH_OVER5END (2), vcy.MATCH_OVER3END (4)
Return type:set of vcy.TranscriptModel
class velocyto.indexes.FeatureIndex(ivls: List[velocyto.feature.Feature] = [])[source]

Bases: object

Search help class used to find the intervals that a read is spanning

reset() → None[source]

It set the current feature to the first feature

has_ivls_enclosing(read: → bool[source]

Finds out if there are intervals that are fully containing all the read segments

Parameters:read (vcy.Read) – the read object to be analyzed
Returns:respones – if one has been found
Return type:bool
mark_overlapping_ivls(read: → None[source]

Finds the overlap between Read and Features and mark intronic features if spanned

Parameters:read (vcy.Read) – the read object to be analyzed
Return type:Nothing, it marks the vcy.Feature object (is_validated = True) if there is evidence of exon-intron spanning
find_overlapping_ivls(read: → Dict[velocyto.transcript_model.TranscriptModel, List[velocyto.segment_match.SegmentMatch]][source]

Finds the possible overlaps between Read and Features and return a 1 read derived mapping record

Parameters:read (vcy.Read) – the read object to be analyzed
Returns:mapping_record – A record of the mappings by transcript model. Every entry contains a list of segment matches that in turn contains information on the segment and the feature
Return type:Dict[vcy.TranscriptModel, List[vcy.SegmentMatch]]


  • It is possible that a segment overalps at the same time an exon and an intron (spanning segment)
  • It is not possible that a segment overalps at the same time two exons. In that case the read is splitted

into two segments and the Read attribute is_spliced == True. - Notice that the name of the function might be confousing. if there is a non valid overallapping an empty mappign record will be return - Also notice that returning an empty mapping record will cause the suppression of the counting of the molecule

velocyto.molitem module

velocyto.molitem.dictionary_union(d1: DefaultDict[Any, List], d2: DefaultDict[Any, List]) → DefaultDict[Any, List][source]

Set union (|) operation on default dicitonary

  • d1 (defaultdict) – First default dict
  • d2 (defaultdict) – Second default dict

  • A dictionary with the key the set union of the keys.
  • If same key is present the entry will be combined using __add__

velocyto.molitem.dictionary_intersect(d1: DefaultDict[Any, List], d2: DefaultDict[Any, List]) → DefaultDict[Any, List][source]

Set intersection (&) operation on default dicitonary

  • d1 (defaultdict) – First default dict
  • d2 (defaultdict) – Second default dict

  • A dictionary with the key the set intersection of the keys.
  • If same key is present the entry will be combined using __add__

class velocyto.molitem.Molitem[source]

Bases: object

Object that represents a molecule in the counting pipeline

add_mappings_record(mappings_record: DefaultDict[velocyto.transcript_model.TranscriptModel, List[velocyto.segment_match.SegmentMatch]]) → None[source]

velocyto.gene_info module

class velocyto.gene_info.GeneInfo(genename: str, geneid: str, chromstrand: str, start: int, end: int)[source]

Bases: object

A simple objects that stores basic info on a gene. Parsed from the .gtf file and used to build the row_attrs of the loom file

end module

class str, umi: str, chrom: str, strand: str, pos: int, segments: List, clip5: Any, clip3: Any, ref_skipped: bool)[source]

Bases: object

Container for reads from sam alignment file
